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Kybella is the first and only FDA approved injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness, sometimes called “double chin.”

Is Kybella right for me?

A consultation with Dr. Riehs will help determine if you are candidate for this procedure. Typically, patients who have the following issues can be strong candidates:

  • You are bothered by submental fullness or “double chin”
  • Surgery is not an option for you
  • You feel the condition makes you look older or heavier than you actually are
  • You eat well and exercise, but submental fullness does not go away

How does Kybella work?

When injected into subcutaneous fat, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. In clinical studies, many patients experienced visible results in two to four treatment sessions spaced at least one month apart. Up to four treatments may be administered, and each treatment session is typically 15-20 minutes.

Is there downtime after Kybella treatments?

For most of the 1600+ patients in more than 20 clinical studies, downtime was minimal and occurred most commonly after the first treatment session. As with other injectable treatments, you may experience side effects with Kybella. The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness in the treatment area.

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Single Treatment, Package of 3 Treatments