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How Long Does Kybella Last?

A double chin can sneak up out of nowhere. One day, your appearance may reflect a tight jawline that neatly shows your bone structure. The next day, you may see extra padding that is neither wanted nor needed. And as time goes on, this is likely to only become more noticeable. What can you do? At Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, we recommend Kybella, an injectable that melts away fat to help you look smoother and younger.

How Long Does Kybella Last?

We’ve grown accustomed to the temporary nature of most cosmetic therapies. Yes, they deliver long-lasting results – sometimes several years or more – but most need to be redone at some point. This is especially true of injectables; although they deliver beautiful results, they also require periodic touch-ups.

Kybella, however, is unique. Once your treatment is complete, you never need another session. No maintenance or modification is necessary. It permanently destroys fat cells from the submental region (under the chin) to give you a trimmer, tighter appearance. In short, it gets rid of your pillowy profile for good.

What Is Submental Fat?

This refers to extra padding that settles under the chin and gives your neck and face a “full” appearance. Many people associate this condition with being overweight, but it can happen to anyone, even those who are otherwise trim.

Surveys show around 64% of people, including men and women of all ages, are unhappy with what they describe as a double chin. It can make a face look disproportionate to the rest of the body. To make matters worse, this padding is difficult to lose even with exercise and a healthy diet.

A Catalog of Causes

So, what exactly causes submental fat? Sometimes it is the result of being overweight. But other factors also contribute, including age. As you grow older, your skin becomes less elastic and can sag and droop. This creates the illusion of a double chin. Genetics can likewise be to blame. If other people in your family have submental fat, you may have a genetic propensity for storing fat in this area.

Anatomy is yet another culprit; people who have shorter jawlines tend to have the appearance of a double chin. A weak jawline in which skin is naturally loose can also contribute. Last but not least, poor posture can weaken muscles in the neck and chin. When this happens, the skin those muscles support drops below the jawline.

How Treatment Works

This injectable goes to work immediately. Its main ingredient, synthetic deoxycholic acid (DA), dissolves fat cells clustered under your chin. DA occurs naturally in the body and helps break down dietary fats in the stomach.

When injected in a controlled, precise manner, DA disrupts fat cell membranes so they become weak. With time, they essentially fall apart and release their fatty contents. The body’s lymphatic system then kicks into gear, as it’s intended to do, and sweeps away the dead cell fragments. This is not an unusual occurrence – cells routinely die within the body. But fat cells, once they’re gone, do not get replaced.

The Unique Nature of Fat Cells

Each of us has a unique number of fat cells distributed throughout our bodies. These number in the billions, and, as you gain weight, expand in size. This means each cell stores increasingly greater quantities of fat in case the body ever needs it. Diet and exercise can shrink fat cells, but neither permanently eliminates them. This is why you can regain weight after losing it.

Kybella bypasses the weight loss process and permanently eliminates fat cells. You don’t have to worry about them regenerating because the number of fat cells created in your teen years stays with you for the rest of your life. This means that the stubborn areas under your chin will stay sculpted. Keep in mind, however, this region may increase in size again if you gain weight; staying diligent with your weight management regimen can keep this from happening.

Reasons to Have Treatment

People today are aging differently than they did years ago. Cosmetic treatments were once reserved for the rich and famous, forcing everyone else to gracefully, if not bitterly, accept lines, wrinkles, and droops. But now, thanks to simpler and more accessible treatments, men and women alike can enjoy more youthful appearances for far longer.

The padding characterized by submental fullness specifically serves as a telltale sign of aging. Removing it restores the smooth, taut jawline we enjoyed earlier in life. Kybella can, thanks to its potent formulation, shed years from your profile.

A Trimmer Appearance

If you’ve ever lost weight, you know that just a few pounds can make a visible difference. In your face, it’s not necessarily the amount of fat you have but where it’s located. A double chin can make your entire frame look bulkier than it is.

Many patients tell us that after treatment, others comment on how much weight they’ve lost. Although the actual fat you lose with Kybella won’t equate to much, the difference it will make is substantial. Your entire body will look slimmer.

Greater Confidence

Submental fat is hard to hide. Not that it should be a source of embarrassment – nearly everyone grapples with it at some point, and healthcare providers are quick to say it’s perfectly normal, which it is. But in a time of selfies, digital meetings, and video conferences, people report feeling more self-conscious than ever about this fullness.

Treatment is nothing short of empowering. It dramatically transforms your appearance and boosts your confidence in a few short weeks. Imagine how it would feel to be free of this padding and have your natural face shape restored. Rather than hiding in the shadows, you’ll be ready to come into the light.

No Surgery Required

Unlike days of old, when a knife and scalpel were required to lift and contour, cosmetic treatments now are far gentler. Kybella likewise does not require incisions, staples, or scars. Many patients request it for this very reason. And you, like them, will not have to prepare for your session months in advance, face the risks of anesthesia, or spend the money required of a full-scale procedure. Treatment is, in fact, hallmarked by:

  • Speed
  • Safety
  • A streamlined technique


No Downtime Required

Many patients want to address common signs of aging but fear doing so will break their stride. Very few can afford lengthy recovery times that preclude them from caring for children and/or going to work.

The non-surgical nature of this treatment makes it the ideal alternative to more complex therapies, especially when it comes to blasting away fat. You can get back to life as soon as your appointment is finished, and you can drive yourself to and from our office for even more convenience.

Gradual, Subtle Improvements

We understand if you’re not ready to tell the world you’ve had “work done.” Kybella will likewise keep your secret safe by delivering natural-looking results that develop gradually. Your body needs time to eliminate targeted fat cells and then adjust to those internal changes; this makes for a subtle but significant progression into your new look.

With this treatment, you can have up to six sessions – if necessary – to achieve the desired results. Each is spaced four to six weeks apart so we can gauge your progress. This means you’ll see changes in your profile after each session. Results build upon each other until you see the sculpted chin you long for. And you’ll retain your privacy even as you begin to look younger and slimmer.

A Few Final Details

Before treatment, we’ll schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and identify those spots where treatment will be administered. On the day of your session, we’ll clean the area to be treated, apply a topical numbing agent, and deliver a series of minute injections into the spots we earlier marked. The needles are tiny, and the number of injections you receive will reflect the fullness we must target.

As for the sessions you’ll need, this depends on how your body responds to treatment. Patients undergo two to four sessions on average, but many opt to have six sessions to obtain the best results. Once those results do manifest, chances are you’ll be thrilled. In clinical trials, Kybella delivered an 82.4% satisfaction rate.

The Best Candidates

This treatment is FDA-approved for melting away submental fat and is safe for a wide range of people. In general, patients are between the ages of 18 and 65 and in reasonably good health. You must also have moderate to severe submental fullness to qualify.

Keep in mind treatment won’t help you lose weight, but it will redefine facial contours. If you’re wondering whether you meet the points mentioned here, we recommend meeting with our experts.

Ready to Get Started?

Regardless of why you have submental fullness, this treatment will immediately go to work in eliminating it. Results develop gradually and are permanent. And, as a smoother and more contoured profile emerges, you’ll feel your confidence soar. See how this treatment can change your appearance and life. Schedule a consultation by calling Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX, today.

Alex Colvin

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