When to Consider Lip Augmentation

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Do you often find yourself looking at others who have full, plump lips with envy? You may have been born with lips that are quite thin or are not even. Lip augmentation is a great way to address this problem and help you have lips that look full and plump.

Lip augmentation has been able to help thousands of individuals around the world feel more satisfied with their appearance. If you are unhappy with thin lips or lines around the mouth, it can also help you.

The main form of lip augmentation is a lip filler. Just the right amount of filler will be administered to your lips in order to give them more volume. It fills in the space left behind by aging and helps smooth out any fine lines around the mouth.

Depending on the filler that you choose, it can last anywhere from six months to a year. In most cases, fillers that are recommended for the lips are based on hyaluronic acid. This gives you the immediate benefit of walking away from your treatment with lips that are more full. And then you have the other benefit of having more hyaluronic acid under your skin that will help it to hold onto moisture, so your lips will stay full and hydrated.

Is the Aging Process Getting You down?

You may have had full and plump lips in your younger years. However, as you are now getting older, you are starting to lose facial volume. This has also affected your lips and has given you smoker’s lines and other wrinkles. If your lips no longer have the same volume that they use to, lip augmentation may be the right option for you.

Are You a Good Candidate for Lip Augmentation?

In order to find the answer to that question, please contact us to set up a consultation. You will be able to meet with our specialist who will examine your lips, ask you questions about your overall health, and then recommend a course of action that can help you feel more pleased with your appearance.

Contact Us Today

Our staff has been able to help many individuals to get back some of their youth and achieve an appearance that they feel more proud of. Lip augmentation may be the right option for you. To find out more, contact us today at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa and schedule your consultation.

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