Undergoing a laser hair removal treatment is an effective way of removing hair, but also for preventing future hair growth. The treatment utilizes specialized laser light to kill the hair follicles, which causes existing hair to fall out while stunting further growth. The laser does not damage the tissue surrounding these hair follicles, but your skin may react to this treatment. To keep your skin healthy after laser removal of your hair, use these simple tips to care for your skin.
As the laser makes contact with your skin, the heat from the light will kill hair follicles. This heat will cause small red bumps to develop on your skin’s surface. This is a completely normal reaction, but it can be alarming to some people. Fortunately, the bumps will disappear within a day or two after your treatment.
The bumps may be itchy, but it is imperative that you do not scratch. Scratching the skin will increase inflammation even further, resulting in serious discomfort and possible scarring. If the small red bumps are causing you any discomfort, apply a cold compress to the area. Create an ice pack by bundling a few ice cubes into a plastic bag. Seal up the bag and hold on the affected skin for a few minutes. The ice will not only numb any discomfort you are experiencing, but it will also reduce the redness and possible swelling.
As the bumps disappear, you may notice that your skin feels excessively dry. In some instances, the bumps will dry out and begin to crust. Again, this is a common issue that occurs after a laser hair treatment, so there is no need to panic. Apply a healing ointment to these overly dry and crusty areas of your skin. A thin layer of petroleum jelly can be beneficial in these areas. Since petroleum jelly does not contain toxic chemicals, using it offers less risk of further irritation.
After the initial reaction and crusting decreases, you should continue caring for your skin. Make sure to moisturize your skin periodically after your treatment. Consider using aloe vera gel to soothe inflamed skin while keeping it moisturized.
When you bathe or shower, be gentle when washing laser-treated areas. Do not scrub treated areas with a wash cloth, body wash puff, or sponge. Use a soft microfiber cloth to gently wash areas of your skin. In addition, use a gentle body wash while bathing and showering. To smooth your skin, consider using a gentle exfoliating body wash.
Laser removal of your hair is a safe and effective option, but you must properly care for your underlying skin after the treatment. To learn more about skin care after laser hair removal in McKinney, TX and proper skin care, contact Le Beau Visage Medical Spa at (214) 705-7676.