Medical Spa Offers Sun Damage Prevention Tips After Laser Treatment

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Medical Spa TexasAfter you receive laser treatment at a medical spa in Texas to remove your sunspots, you likely want your skin to stay fresh and healthy-looking. After all, you’ve just spent money and time on removing the imperfections you weren’t pleased with, so it makes sense to want to protect your investment. Although there isn’t a full-proof method of preventing further sun damage, you can take steps to decrease the likelihood you’ll experience evidence of too many UV rays.

Protecting Your Skin After Treatment at a Medical Spa

Your skin is extremely sensitive following any type of skin treatment, particularly those that involve lasers. For this reason, you’ll want to avoid exposing it to anything that would cause irritation or damage. Therefore, avoid staying out of the sun for a few days after your treatment, as the UV rays can cause extreme irritation and even burning of the skin. When you are able to go out, use a high-quality, high-SPF sunscreen to avoid damage, as well as a wide-brimmed hat. Additionally, refrain from using creams, lotions, makeup, and other products that have ingredients that can cause irritation. Ask your doctor for recommendations regarding what you are able to use.

Don’t Neglect the Most Sensitive Areas

Typically, when people think about protecting their skin from the sun’s rays, they slather on the sunscreen on their cheeks, forehead, arms, chest, back, and legs. However, they often leave out the most sensitive areas, like around the eyes and the lips. The skin around the eyes is extremely delicate and is quick to show any damage. Keep it out of the sun by wearing SPF-protected sunglasses. Choose a pair that is labeled as protecting 99 percent of rays. Additionally, don’t forget your lips. The thin skin on your pout can become extremely wrinkled and suffer from spots because of sun damage, so make sure to apply a protective balm hourly.

Wear SPF-Protected Clothing

Sunspots don’t just show up on your face; they can appear on your chest, arms, and hands. After you received laser treatment at a medical spa to remove them, you may be able to keep them from returning by wearing clothing that comes with SPF protection. These garments feature a special coating that absorbs UVA and UVB rays. Additionally, clothing that doesn’t have the coating can also offer some SPF protection, and typically, darker-colored clothing has higher SPF ratings.

Le Beau Visage Can Give You the Skin You’ve Always Wanted

You don’t have to be unhappy with your skin; Le Beau Visage, a premier medical spa, can help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted and help to restore your youthful glow. Call 214-705-7676 to schedule your consultation.

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