Can Kybella Get Rid of a Double Chin?

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

When you diet and exercise, but still have a double chin, it can be frustrating. The good news is there’s a treatment that can really help. At Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX we can offer Kybella, an injectable treatment that may be an option for you.

Can Kybella Get Rid of a Double Chin?

This treatment is successful because of its unique deoxycholic acid injectable formula. We will inject this formula into the fat cells beneath the chin, and it will immediately go to work to remove unwanted fat. But how does it work?

As fat is burned for fuel, deoxycholic acid is used by the body’s metabolic system to break down dietary fat cells and absorb them. Once injected under your chin, this acid will do the same thing to the excess fat cells there as it does with dietary fat: break them so up so your body can flush them away.

A Caveat

A lot of people have a double chin because of excess fat, but some people have a hereditary double chin caused by loose skin. They can be thin and fit and yet still present with a double chin, and the issue has little or nothing to do with fat. If that’s the issue for you, this treatment won’t help.

Come talk to us about your options. In some cases, this treatment might be most effective for you when combined with other treatments. In other cases, a different treatment will be the right course of action. Once we discuss your concerns and examine your chin, we’ll be able to craft a plan that will get you the results you’re looking for.

What Causes a Double Chin?

Often referred to as submental fat, a double chin is a pocket of fat cells below the neck. Although double chins aren’t harmful, they can make people look overweight or sluggish even when they’re in excellent shape. Even the shape of your jawline can be masked by a double chin or you may appear to be several years older. Why does this happen? Double chins can be caused by several factors, including:


Weight Issues

Weight can contribute to the development of a double chin. The likelihood of having a double chin increases with being overweight or having a history of being overweight. Trying to lose weight and exercising doesn’t always eliminate the appearance of a double chin because our bodies put on weight and remove it according to our genetic disposition.

Even if we are successfully losing fat, we can’t control from where that fat will be removed. For some people, the chin is the first place that excess fat shows up and the last place the body will let it go.

Medication Side Effects

Sometimes, medications are overlooked as a cause of double chins, but certain medications can lead to an increase in weight or fat storage as a side effect. The appearance of a double chin may be reduced by switching medications. If you notice your double chin has formed after taking a certain medication, talk to your doctor about alternate medications to see if these will help you reduce the appearance of your double chin.

Lifestyle Choices

A double chin is often caused by factors related to lifestyle. Lifestyle factors, such as sugar consumption, can increase your risk of weight gain and fat storage. And, of course, your general diet and exercise choices matter, too. If you can change things up to drink more water and eat less sugar, even these simple changes will help your body deal more efficiently with fat storage.


Genes determine how your body distributes and stores fat. It is common for the body to store excess fat for later consumption in the fat cells beneath the chin in some people. If you have immediate blood relatives with a double chin, your double chin may also be genetic.

Diet and exercise may not be able to get rid of a double chin that’s appeared because of genetics. If you’ve been changing your lifestyle, but it hasn’t worked to reduce your double chin, chances are the problem is genetic in nature. By destroying fat cells at their source, a treatment like Kybella can override your genetics.

What To Expect

Kybella treatments and a consultation with an aesthetic expert are usually the only steps required for most people.

Your Consultation

We invite you to schedule a consultation appointment at our clinic to help you get rid of your double chin. Our consultation will provide us with the opportunity to examine your submental fat and determine whether or not you are a good candidate for treatment.

The majority of people qualify for this procedure, especially those who have double chins that resist the effects of diet and exercise. During our consultation, we will discuss your general health history and any previous cosmetic procedures you have had done in the area.

Kybella Treatments

In the next step of your plan, you will undergo a series of Kybella treatments, which target fat cells and destroy them directly. You can generally complete your treatment appointments in 20 to 30 minutes. A few appointments are usually necessary to achieve optimal results, and the results of this treatment are lasting. Once the fat cells are gone, they are gone for good, as your body does not make new ones.

Unless you begin overeating and put on a lot of weight, which will expand your remaining fat cells in the area, you will keep your results permanently. And even if you do put on weight, the change in your chin will be less dramatic than it would have been if you had not had Kybella treatments.


How Many Treatments Does It Take?

To achieve the desired results, most patients will need to schedule between one and three appointments, separated by one month. If a person has significant submental fat, it may take up to six treatments to achieve the best results. The number of appointments required will depend on the amount of submental fat you wish to reduce and how well your body reacts.

How Should You Prepare for Treatment?

This treatment requires no special preparation. To achieve the best results, you only need to follow a few pre-treatment guidelines one to three days before the treatment. If you are on blood-thinning medications, you should temporarily discontinue them, and you should arrive at your appointment with a cleansed face and neck. We’ll give you all the details when we schedule your first treatment appointment.

When Will You See the Results?

The first results of your treatment will take a few weeks to appear. The injection of synthetic deoxycholic acid takes time to break down fat cells. This treatment starts to work immediately, but the results won’t be visible until after your fat cells have been naturally metabolized from your body.

That is why many patients won’t notice a really significant difference until two to three months after their first appointment. We recommend spacing your treatments about a month apart so we can determine if you need additional treatments. The gradual change is a plus, however, as it makes your results appear perfectly natural. You won’t show up at the office the day after treatment looking “weird” or as if you’d had work done.

What Should You Do After Your Treatment?

The fact that this treatment has no official recovery time is one of its major advantages. After undergoing this treatment, most people are able to return to work or their normal daily routines, but there are a few post-treatment guidelines you’ll want to follow to get the best possible results.

You will be instructed to avoid excessive heat and direct sunlight, for instance. After your treatment, you should also drink plenty of water. This will encourage your body to naturally eliminate the metabolized fat cells.

Is This Treatment Safe?

The treatment will destroy fat cells, but it is still considered safer and more effective than surgical liposuction for removing unwanted submental fat. Thousands of people have experienced more self-confidence thanks to Kybella, a product that has been approved by the FDA since 2015.

Clinical trials have shown that the vast majority of those who receive treatment are pleased with their results and find the treatment very safe. The risk of side effects or allergic reactions is very small.

Discover the Benefits for Yourself

You don’t need to be unhappy with your appearance. Come talk to us at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX about how you can get started on getting rid of that double chin for good!

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