Are you a Candidate for Restylane Lyft?

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Putting Up A Strong Fight Against Aging

You shouldn’t have to sacrifice going out into the sun and enjoying its warm rays just to avoid developing wrinkles. The same goes for facial expressions. Smile all you want. Cry, laugh, do whatever you want to do and don’t worry about developing wrinkles. There’s a treatment for those. With age comes the inevitable signs of aging. Wrinkles, brown spots, discoloration, and all of the hormonal unpleasant consequences, too, are a staple part of the aging experience. However, just because you may be growing older doesn’t mean you need to look like it. For women who want to only look as old as they feel, there is an answer to help reduce and smooth out those wrinkles. It’s called Restylane Lyft.

What Is The Restylane Lyft?

Once known as Perlane, Restylane Lyft is essentially a dermal filler. It has been created with the specific purpose to reduce wrinkles in adults. The Lyft contains a substance called hyaluronic acid that essentially helps to plump up skin. Primarily, Restylane Lyft is used to help lift up cheeks that might otherwise be sagging, smoothing out wrinkles around your mouth, and can even add some volume to the back of your hands.

It works by mixing hyaluronic acid, lidocaine, and water together. The water and hyaluronic acid, in particular, work well together to create that plump and volume. Multiple injections are given to the area of treatment in order to help even out the volume and make it look as natural as possible. It also helps increase the amount of volume in that targeted area. For maximum benefit, it is usually suggested that you have the treatment performed once more regularly.

The procedure is quite quick. Unless you are receiving numerous areas for treatment, the procedure should only last around 15 minutes. Results are usually quite quick to notice, too. While you may need a day or so to heal from the procedure, you’ll start to quickly notice added volume and smoothing of lines in your face.

The Best Candidates

Excellent candidates can practically be anyone since it doesn’t matter what age or skin tone you have. However, those who don’t smoke usually see a better result because smoking often makes the healing time longer. Smoking also can form wrinkles in the skin, so you’d be working against the effects in the first place. Essentially, those who only need a little work done on their face are going to see the best results from a Restylane Lyft, but essentially, practically everyone is a good candidate for it.

If you’re tired of looking like your age and want to restore your features, then you should consider the Restylane Lyft. It’s a quick, effective, and easy procedure that can leave you with smooth and rejuvenated skin. Restylane Lyft is also on sale for the month of February! Embrace your younger self once more and give us a call at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa to schedule an appointment. Together, we’ll help you defy aging.

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