Chemical Peel In Dallas | Everything You Need To Know

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Chemical peels are an excellent way to address issues of skin discoloration, texture concerns, and wrinkles.  The treatments commonly use alpha and beta hydroxyl acids, among others, to peel away layers of old and damaged skin.  The result is more vibrant, clear, youthful and smooth skin.  If you are looking for a luxurious experience and professionally administered chemical peel in Dallas, Le Beau Visage Medical Spa can service your needs.

What Is A Chemical Peel In Dallas?

People often use the term chemical peel as if it refers to one treatment.  However, there are many formulations of peels available.  Over-the-counter peels that use weaker ingredients such as glycolic acid, or lower acid percentages, are not comparable to the peels provided at our medical spa.  In a professional setting, we are able to offer a range of peels that have differing levels of potency and penetration.  Depending on the chemical peel in Dallas you choose, a host of issues can be addressed including:

The level of results you see will vary by the peel.  You can choose to achieve a refreshed appearance or opt for stronger peels that target more severe concerns.  A chemical peel in Dallas is an excellent alternative to laser treatment, offering stunning results at a fraction of the cost.

Mild Peels

Mild peels can be applied to the face neck and chest areas.  You can choose to have them administered every few weeks and they require little downtime.  Glycolic Acid, citric acid, and lactic acid are typically used for gentle exfoliation.  Results include:

Mild peels are an excellent way to jumpstart your skincare routine.

Medium Peels

Medium peels use many of the same acids as mild peels.  Where they vary is that they have a higher percentage of active ingredients.  Since peels have a more in-depth penetration recovery time takes one to two weeks.  If you have a history of cold sores, some peels may require a course of antiviral medication prior to your treatment. Medium peels correct all the issues mild peels do and also remedy:

Deep Peels

Deep peels are performed with phenol and are the strongest peels available.  They correct all the issues mild, and medium peels do and also target:

They are especially suited for lighter skin tones and are typically only used on the face.  While recovery lasts several weeks, the benefit is exceptional and drastic results. If you are interested in getting a chemical peel in Dallas one of our professionals at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa is available to help you determine which option will best suit your needs.  Contact us today for a consultation!

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