Susan’s Experience



“So professional and the customer service is stellar. I’ve done just about every service offered over the years and my favorite is Morpheus – what a difference it makes in the texture and firmness of my face. I also have been a HydraFacial member for years! I can’t say enough about Dr. Riehs and his staff. They truly are the best.”

Susan is a longtime patient of LBV and initially sought services in her early 50’s when she really started seeing major signs of aging. She and Dr. Riehs met as they were opening their own businesses at the same time – the rest is history! We love that Susan believes in the trilogy of aesthetics – services, injectables and skin care. She is a regular in our clinic and has tried nearly every service we offer with Morpheus, a non-invasive skin resurfacing treatment, being her favorite! We continue to work with Susan to evolve her treatment plan and help her fight the aging process.

When asked what makes her smile, Susan replied with, “Life! You have to live every day to the fullest and enjoy the ride… and smile!” Not only is Susan a successful businesswoman, but she is also a wife of 30 years, a mother of two, and an avid yoga enthusiast who enjoys spending her free time gardening and traveling.

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