Hair Transplant


Introduction to Hair Transplant

The field of hair restoration has come a long way since its inception. Today, patients of all genders can enjoy thicker, healthier hair through a variety of oral, topical, light-based, and surgical treatments. For those seeking hair transplantation, the procedure has evolved remarkably over recent decades, providing patients with natural-looking outcomes that reinforce confidence, peace of mind, and overall quality of life.

Conveniently located in Frisco, TX, Le Beau Visage Medical Spa offers hair transplant procedures to patients all over the North Dallas and Plano metropolitan areas, as well as McKinney, Allen, and anywhere else in the Northern Texas area. We are committed to helping you achieve the denser, stronger shiner tresses you have always envisioned.

A blonde woman wearing all black, lying on a black couch, leaning her head back with her hand in her hair - Hair Transplant in Frisco, TX

What is a Hair Transplant?

Hair loss has a variety of root causes, including genetics, hormonal fluctuations, the natural aging process, the use of certain medications, and stress. Whatever its origin, thinning hair or a receding hairline can lead to feelings of frustration and low self-esteem, interfering with your quality of life. Dr. Riehs in Frisco/Plano, North Texas, performs hair transplants to help patients reclaim their vitality and feel more confident in both social and professional settings. There are two common options when it comes to a hair transplant:


During an FUE hair transplant procedure, Dr. Riehs will transfer individual hair follicles from an area of abundance (typically the back of the scalp) to areas where scalp thinning is pronounced. The FUE method can provide permanent relief from male and female pattern baldness through rapid, precision-based technology. With this approach, there is no scarring, scalpels, or sutures to contend with.


With FUT hair transplantation, a less common method, the doctor will harvest a strip of donor follicles from the back of the scalp before dissecting the individual follicles for transfer. Once the incision in the donor region is closed, the extracted follicles are transplanted to the scalp area suffering from hair loss.

What Are the Benefits of a Hair Transplant?

A Frisco, TX, hair transplant provides patients with a wealth of transformative benefits, including:

  • Natural-looking outcomes
  • Relief from anxiety and self-consciousness
  • One-day procedure
  • Thicker, fuller locks
  • High rate of graft survival
  • Quick recovery

Who Are the Best Candidates for a Hair Transplant?

The best way to assess your candidacy for a hair transplant at our luxury medical spa in Frisco is to undergo a private consultation with Dr. Riehs and his highly skilled team of aesthetic experts. In general, good candidates are:

  • Interested in improving their appearance through hair restoration
  • Healthy, both physically and mentally
  • In possession of adequate donor hair for transfer
  • Realistic in their expectations
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Let’s Get Started

What’s The First Step?

The first step along your journey to a revitalized appearance is to meet with Dr. Riehs in Frisco for a private and informative consultation. During this meeting, we will discuss your personal hair restoration goals, examine your scalp, and review your medical and surgical history, curating an individualized treatment plan for meeting your needs. Once your appointment has been scheduled, you will need to follow a few guidelines to ensure you make the most of your hair transplant. For several days prior to your session, avoid strenuous exercise, blood-thinning medications, alcohol, caffeine, and smoking. This will help to optimize your results and reduce the risk of complications.

What to Expect on the Day of a Hair Transplant Treatment

At the start of your treatment, our licensed hair transplantation technician will mark the areas on the scalp that require enhancement with transplanted follicles. Our team will administer local anesthesia, oral sedation, or general anesthesia according to your predetermined treatment plan.

With FUE (follicular unit extraction), hairs in the donor region will be trimmed short, allowing our team easier access during harvesting. A specialized handpiece is then used to release individual hair follicles from the back of the scalp. When the grafts are lifted with micro-forceps, the technician will place them in a saline solution for preservation. Each graft includes around 1-4 hairs. This meticulous, precision-oriented process is performed with great care by our experienced providers at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX, reflecting our commitment to outstanding care and results.

Once the harvesting phase of the process is complete, small recipient sites will be created in the scalp to house the transplanted follicles. The technician distributes the follicles evenly, using your original hairs as a guide, ensuring seamless, uniform results.

Hair Transplant Recovery

Patients can typically expect to resume work within 2-5 days after their hair transplant in Frisco, TX. Because hair grows in a cycle, including several distinct phases of sprouting and shedding, it may take several months to notice significant improvements in the hair’s thickness and vitality. Most patients can anticipate around 60% of new hair growth to occur within 6-9 months.

Fair & Transparent Pricing

How Much Does a Hair Transplant Cost in Plano, TX?

The cost of a hair transplant in Frisco and North Texas will vary depending on the specific techniques used by Dr. Riehs and your degree of hair loss. The best way to obtain a realistic quote for services is to meet with our team for a private consultation and scalp assessment.

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Why Choose Le Beau Visage Medical Spa?

Le Beau Visage Medical Spa offers Frisco and Plano-area patients access to innovative, advanced cosmetic solutions that optimize attractiveness, well-being, and vitality. Our cutting-edge medspa is helmed by award-winning physician Dr. Jason M. Riehs, M.D., J.D., known for his distinguished background in the elite field of Anti-Aging Medicine. As a Master Injector, Dr. Riehs was chosen as an advanced injectable trainer for Galderma Pharmaceuticals in 2008, a reflection of his artistry, precision, and passion for excellence. Dr. Riehs and his entire Le Beau Visage Medical Spa team are devoted to your care and do everything possible to ensure a rejuvenating and restorative experience.

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