How Long Does PRP for Restoration Last?

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

If you are anxious about your hair loss and want to preserve your youthful tresses for the long run, PRP for restoration might just be the perfect treatment for you. As we get older, we can lose some volume in our locks. This often leads to a dip in self-confidence and can harm our self-image. Fortunately, there’s a wonderful new way to use your body’s own organic material to get your hair looking gorgeous once again. At Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, Texas, we specialize in giving our clients back the hair they thought that they had lost forever.

How Long Does PRP for Restoration Last?

Most people start to see the dramatic results of PRP treatments after about six months, and the results are good for about a year and a half. The reason that they are no immediate is simple; your hair is the byproduct of cellular activity in your body. Just as it takes your hair time to look lovely and lustrous after switching your diet or taming stress, most people have to wait a little bit to see the results of PRP for restoration. Fortunately, many people agree that the tremendous results are absolutely worth it!

Each client is different, but most should expect to come in for additional treatments to stimulate further hair growth. Our team can discuss your options with you, and we can work together to develop a logical plan for helping you to look and feel your best.

What Is PRP?

PRP stands for “platelet-rich plasma,” and it’s produced by your own body. This compound exists inside of you and helps you to recover from trauma and injuries, large and small. It’s essentially comprised of blood cells and plasma, and it is very potent and can stimulate both healing and growth when used in cosmetic treatments.

PRP also has medical applications as well and is generally used by athletes to aid them in recovering from sports injuries. PRP can stimulate hair growth and coax inactive follicles to start working again.

What Does This Treatment Entail?

The first thing that our team will do is sit down with you and talk about all of your options. Our goal is to ensure that you are perfectly satisfied with what your personal treatment plan will entail before we start. During the consultation, we will let you know how many sessions you should need and what to reasonably expect. Your comfort is our top mandate!

During the treatment, we extract a small amount of your blood and then separate it in a centrifuge to extract the PRP plasma from the remainder of the material. One of the best parts of this treatment plan is that your PRP is totally unique. That alone alleviates some of the concerns people have about allergic reactions. It’s an organic, natural, and safe way to stimulate hair growth. The PRP is put back into your scalp in a strategic fashion that is specifically designed to stimulate the follicles and help your hair grow in thick and strong.

Minimally Invasive

One huge advantage of this treatment is that it is minimally invasive, and most people only need a tiny bit of topical anesthesia during their sessions. It’s one of the most comfortable cosmetic treatments available and one that can make a huge difference in the way that you look. After all, our hair is part of every single outfit that we put on.

Who Is This Treatment For?

Men and women can experience thinning hair, or hair loss, as they age, so this particular treatment is ideal for those who want to enhance their tresses or stimulate hair growth where it has stopped. It’s good for people who have thinning hair or for those who are having trouble growing their hair out. It’s even a good option for people who are worried about the quality of their hair or whose hair has become brittle or damaged with age.

Treatment Benefits

There are plenty of benefits to this treatment. Everyone is different, so these are just a few of the rewards that you can get when you use PRP for restoration.


This treatment tends to be safer than other alternatives simply because you are using your body’s own organic material in the form of PRP. While some patients have allergic reactions to cosmetic treatments, you really don’t have to worry about that with PRP treatments. There’s virtually no allergic risk, and your body is highly unlikely to reject the PRP injections.

Virtually Pain-Free

Since this treatment is minimally invasive, it’s also virtually pain-free. Most people need just a touch of topical anesthesia. There’s also no downtime after the session is over. It’s totally convenient, and you can go right back to your life the second that you walk out of the door.

Enjoy Increased Confidence

There’s a reason why our hair is often referred to as a crown; it’s one of the most dazzling things that people notice about us. If your hair is letting you down, or you notice thin, bald spots on your head, your confidence could suffer dramatically. With PRP treatments, you can regain the confidence that you thought you lost and feel great about your looks again.

Why We Lose Hair As We Age

As we age, our body changes, and one of the biggest changes that happen is that we stop producing new cellular material with the regularity that we once did. This slowdown can lead to a lot of different age-related complaints, like wrinkles or fine lines, because there is less collagen in the skin. Similarly, our hair is less lustrous than it once was, specifically because it’s comprised of excess cellular material. Occasionally, hair follicles even stop producing new hair.

Hair can get duller, thinner, or less abundant with age. The best way to counteract it is to address the source, the follicles themselves, and activate them again with PRP.

Ways to Counteract Hair Loss Between Treatments

Although nothing is a substitute for regular PRP treatments, there are other ways that you can take care of your hair in between appointments.

Deep-Condition Regularly

Conditioner is vital to healthy hair, so make sure that you’re giving your tresses plenty of love with regular deep conditioning treatments. You can also use a daily conditioner in your shower. Deep-conditioning treatments usually need to sit on the hair for a while to work. This allows them to soak deep into the follicles and help restore hair from the inside out. Although deep-conditioning won’t necessarily produce new hair, it will help you take care of the existing strands of hair.

Another benefit of deep-conditioning is that it can prevent breakage when you comb out your hair. Hair breakage can lead to frizzy or unkempt looking hair and even hair loss over the long term. Similarly, avoid pulling your hair back in too-tight rubber bands. Use fabric bands when possible.

Wash Your Hair Every Other Day

We might think that washing our hair every day is the best way to take care of it, but washing our hair too much can actually dry it out and damage it more. Dry hair can break easier. Instead of washing your hair every day, opt for every other day. If you find that your hair gets too greasy in between washes, you can treat it with dry shampoo.

Watch the Heat Products

We know that your hair looks fantastic when it’s flat-ironed, but relying too much on heat products could be doing a serious number on your hair. Heat products, including most hairdryers, can dry out your hair and shock it with heat. If you can’t part ways with your heat styling tools, consider getting a protective spray that can help your tresses stay cool and healthy during the treatments.

You can also put your hair dryer on a lower setting to minimize heat damage. Similarly, taking scalding showers can damage your hair, so try to limit the amount of time that you’re in the shower and keep the water lukewarm. This will also help protect your skin, especially during the winter months!

Get Your Hair Professionally Color-Treated

Color your hair at home at your own risk! Many products, especially bleaches, can damage your hair if you leave them on for too long or overuse them. The best course of action is to visit a professional stylist who can help to protect your hair while they color it. Additionally, many professional stylists can work with just the roots of your hair so that the ends don’t get further damaged with hair dye.

After you get your hair done, make sure that you use products that are appropriate for dyed hair and that will lock in the color without stripping your hair. This will keep you from having to get your hair done too often.

Eat the Rainbow

Beauty truly comes from within. Since we are what we eat, it’s helpful to try to eat the rainbow by selecting healthy fruits and vegetables in vibrant colors. These nutrients will help our body create healthy cells and, over time, make our hair look shiny, thick, and healthy. Our hair is one of the first places where we see malnutrition, so consider changing your diet if you want to have better-looking tresses.

Additionally, eating healthy foods will keep your body functioning at a more optimal pace and can help your skin to look more luminous and vibrant as well.

Get Your Beautiful Tresses Back Today

If your hair just doesn’t look as full or healthy as it used to be, PRP treatments could help you get back the locks that you thought you had lost. Don’t struggle with thinning or patchy hair any longer. There’s a great solution, and it’s located right inside of your own body. Let our expert team help you to reclaim your beauty and bring back your beautiful tresses today with a customized treatment plan that offers long-lasting results. So many have experienced the joy of finding a full head of shiny, natural hair again, and you can too!

To learn more about PRP for restoration, get in touch with our team today. We are one of the premier medical aesthetic facilities in Texas, and our expert team has helped plenty of people just like you transform their image and find their true beauty through revolutionary treatments. If you’re ready to look and feel your best, contact Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, Texas at 214-856-8447 for a no-pressure consultation today.

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