At Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX, we are passionate about helping people feel as good about themselves as possible. For this reason, we are proud to offer a number of cosmetic treatments designed to help our clients boost their self-esteem. One of the most popular cosmetic treatments we offer is Kybella Frisco, an injectable fat removal treatment that starts working quickly and provides long-lasting results. Read on to learn more.
How Soon Does Kybella Frisco Start Working?
Kybella Frisco starts working right away, but it can take the better part of a year for your desired results to become apparent. The reason you can’t enjoy your ideal contours as soon as the deoxycholic acid is administered is that the synthetic bile acid only kills some of the fat cells in the area. You may feel like your chin and neck are slimmer after treatment, but this is because the acid eats away at the walls of the fat cells.
Your final results won’t become apparent for several weeks after your final treatment because your body needs time to flush out the fat cells killed by the acid. How long this will take depends on several factors, including the number of injection sessions you need to achieve your ideal results and how efficient your lymphatic system is. Typically, treatment sessions are administered every four weeks, but this can vary.
How Many Kybella Frisco Treatment Sessions Will I Need?
How many Kybella Frisco sessions you will need to achieve your desired results depends on your goals, current aesthetic, and other factors. If you are only a little dissatisfied with your appearance, you may only need a treatment session or two to achieve your desired aesthetic. On the other hand, if you are very far from your goal weight, you may need between five and six treatment sessions to achieve your desired results.
The cause of your submental fullness also affects how many treatment sessions you may need. Typically, only a few treatment sessions are necessary if submental fullness is caused by chronic poor posture or sagging skin. Also, you should be aware that you can generally expect to need 50 injections per session if you have a lot of fat in the area. If you don’t have a lot of fat in the area, you may only need 30 injections per session.
How Long Will My Treatment Session Take?
You can generally expect each treatment session to take around 30 minutes to complete. We can give you a better idea regarding what to expect during your initial consultation once we have evaluated your concerns and discussed your goals. If you are only concerned about excess fat in your chin or neck, your session may not take a whole 30 minutes to complete. Your session may take more than 30 minutes if you have a lot of excess chin and neck fat.
What Can I Do To See My Final Results Faster?
If you’re anxious to see your final results as quickly as possible, it is very important that you make a concerted effort to support your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is your body’s waste removal system, and it plays a number of roles in the body. One role of this system is to aid in the removal of everything considered waste, including dead adipose tissue. Among the most effective steps you can take to see your results faster include:
- Stay hydrated
- Eat right
- Exercise regularly
- Sleep well
- Minimize alcohol consumption
- Minimize tobacco consumption
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is one of the most effective things you can do to support the efficiency of your lymphatic system. Women should generally try to drink six cups of water, tea, and coffee per day. Men should generally try to drink eight cups of hydrating fluids daily. However, you should keep in mind that individual hydration needs vary. If your urine is pale, you are sufficiently hydrated. If it is dark, you need to increase your intake of hydrating fluids.
To be clear, this can take the form of drinking water, coffee, or tea. However, this can also take the form of eating foods with high water content, like crunchy veggies and tropical or citrus fruits. It is not generally advisable to turn to juice for hydration because it is far less nutritious than fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, your blood sugar may spike, making you crave more sugar and leading to overeating.
Eat Right
Eating right is also very important if your goal is to see your final results as quickly as possible. For optimal results, you should take a two-pronged approach to your diet. It is extremely beneficial to minimize your consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages.
The more unhealthy substances you consume, the harder your lymphatic system has to work eliminating the harmful substances. This means that your lymphatic system has less time to dedicate to removing the dead fat cells from your body. It is also very important that you get your recommended daily allowance of micronutrients and protein.
Exercise Regularly
Furthermore, you can help your lymphatic system flush out your dead fat cells faster by exercising regularly. Generally, if you are already at your goal weight, you should aim to get five 30-minute workout sessions per week. If you are currently on a weight loss journey or about to start one, you should aim to get an hour-long workout session daily, five times weekly.
Sleep Well
Getting adequate sleep is also beneficial. Most adults fail to get a good night’s sleep consistently. You should try to get nine hours of sleep per night. If you find that you can’t get adequate rest at night, consider taking a sleep aid 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime. Furthermore, you may find that you sleep better if you take time to relax before bed by journaling, meditating, listening to relaxing music, or engaging in another relaxing hobby.
Minimize Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption
Finally, you should strongly consider minimizing your consumption of alcohol and tobacco if you want to see your final results as quickly as possible. It is highly advisable that you do not consume cigarettes or other tobacco products. This is because your lymphatic system sees the chemical compounds in these products as waste.
It is worth noting that nicotine consumption should be avoided completely if possible. However, it is okay to consume alcohol in moderation. Specifically, men over 65 and women should drink no more than one unit of alcohol daily.
Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment?
An initial evaluation is required to verify your candidacy for this injectable body contouring treatment. If you are concerned about submental fullness, there is a pretty good chance that you’ll qualify for this treatment assuming you are at least 21 years of age. However, your health needs to be discussed to verify that this treatment will be safe for you. Furthermore, we need to evaluate your cosmetic concerns and verify that this treatment will be effective for you.
Who Is This Treatment Not Appropriate for?
This treatment is not usually considered appropriate for individuals who are underweight or obese. The reason this treatment is not usually given to underweight people is that there should be a moderate amount of excess subcutaneous fat in the submental region for this treatment to be effective. This injectable medication only results in the removal of some of the localized fat cells. If you don’t have a lot of excess fat, you may not be satisfied with your results.
You also may not be satisfied with your results if you are obese since this treatment can’t be used to remove all of the localized fat cells. Furthermore, this treatment is not appropriate for individuals with bleeding disorders or a history of keloid scarring. During your initial consultation, we will thoroughly review your health history and current health. We will advise you on whether you suffer from a condition that temporarily or permanently excludes you from treatment.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
Kybella Frisco starts to work immediately, but it may take several months for your final results to become apparent. To see your final results as quickly as possible, make sure that you stay hydrated, eat right, and exercise regularly. Also, limit alcohol and tobacco consumption and get lots of sleep. Schedule an initial consultation with us today at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX to find out whether you are a good candidate for this injectable body contouring treatment.