Med Spa In Plano TX: Look Better For The Person Who Matters Most – You!

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Images of youthful, dewy beauty are everywhere – on magazine covers, on television and in movies.  The problem with these images of people who are held up as the epitome of human perfection, is that they belong to extremely youthful models and actors, many of whom are barely out of their teens and are airbrushed.  At any med spa in Plano TX, you will find women – and men – who are trying to live up to this standard of beauty with state-of-the-art treatments like Botox and photo facials.  Unfortunately, no one over a certain age can ever hope to look like a teenager again.  But why would they want to?

There’s no one age at which everyone feels comfortable in their own skin.  For some people it happens at birth; for others, it doesn’t happen until after they start collecting Social Security.  That moment when you look in the mirror and say, ‘I look good and I don’t care what anyone else thinks,’ is a moment we all strive for.  Some of us can look at our lived-in faces and feel good without any help.  Some of us need the kind of softening of the edges that we can only get at a great med spa in Plano TX.  At Le Beau Visage Medical Spa, we understand how important it is for you to go out into the world and feel confident.  That’s where we come in.

We don’t want you to change what makes you you.  We just want to help you feel fresher and more energized and we can do that by offering you treatments at our med spa in Plano TX that can make your face and body come a little closer to the age you feel inside.  With Botox and Dysport, we can get rid of those pesky forehead lines.  With microdermabrasion and chemical peels, we can give you improved skin texture and color.  With Forma, we can stimulate collagen formation and skin contraction to smooth and tighten your face.  With IPL photofacial, we can remove age spots and other skin blemishes.  With sclerotherapy, we can make spider veins and varicose veins disappear.  With BodyFX and Liposonix, we can reshape your body and reduce fat deposits.

At Le Beau Visage Medical Spa, there are a number of treatments available for every problem area of your face and body.  If you want to smile and like what you see every time you look in the mirror – no matter what age you are – call us today at (214) 856-8447 to make an appointment.  If you want to find out about all of our services and see a before and after gallery of some of our patients.

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