Morning Skin-Care Routine Tips Between Skin Treatments in Frisco

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Skin Treatments FriscoYou might think washing and moisturizing your face at night is all your skin needs. While night-care is important, there are things you can add to your morning routine as well.Wash your face again as microscopic dust and dirt can get into your pores while you sleep. Using an exfoliant will leave your skin soft and smooth.

Wash your face again as microscopic dust and dirt can get into your pores while you sleep. Using an exfoliant will leave your skin soft and smooth.

Apply facial sunscreen before your other eye cream and facial cream for an extra layer of protection.

Apply makeup with clean brushes and applicators.

Drink water. Staying hydrated will help keep your skin moisturized throughout the day.

Learn more about how to help your skin treatments in Frisco be more effective with great morning routines by calling Le Beau Visage.

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