Sclerotherapy Post Care: What to do after leaving Le Beau Visage Medical Spa
- If possible, do not drive yourself home. If you have to drive, do NOT keep your legs and feet still.
- Medical compression hosiery should be worn for the first 48 hours constantly and at least 7-10 days during upright activity. This will minimize the risk of edema, discoloration, pain and venous clots.
- Walk for 30 minutes immediately following the injections.
- Do NOT remove bandages for 12 hours.
- NO hot baths, whirlpools, saunas, or hot compresses for two weeks.
- Avoid certain prescription medications: Tetracycline or minocin, both antibiotics may cause staining of the skin if taken 7-10 days after the treatment. Be sure to ask the doctors or estheticians at your appointment in our Frisco, Texas location.
- Discontinue aspirin or Ibuprofen (Advil, Nuprin, and Aleve) or any other anti-inflammatory medication 48 hours after the treatment.
- Tylenol is permitted for analgesic.
- Avoid standing still. If you must stay in one place, be sure to move your feet and toes frequently.
- Avoid strenuous, high impact activity (i.e. jogging, aerobics, and weight-lifting) for the first 24-48 hours.
- Maintain normal daytime activities (walking, low impact forms of exercise).
- Walk at least one hour a day; the longer, the better. This will prevent the formation of blood clots in the deep veins of the legs.
- If legs become painful after the injection, WALK.