Reverse Sagging Skin With Thread Lifting

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

If you have reached a point in your life where you feel like your face and neck are making you look older than you feel, consider thread lifting. This is a minimally-invasive procedure that can lift and tighten sagging skin in these areas. You can either get a full face thread lift, or choose a particular area, such as the neck, jowl, or eyebrows.

What is Thread Lifting?

Tiny incisions are made in the desired area. An incredibly fine thread is then used to lift the tissue into a more suspended position. Your body will then respond to the addition of the thread by creating more of its own collagen. Over the course of 3 or 4 months, the thread will dissolve. The newly created collagen will help keep your skin looking tighter, younger, and more radiant. Not only can this process reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but it can make it stronger, helping to prevent new ones from forming.

As previously mentioned, there are many areas on the face that can be treated with thread lifting. Popular areas include:

Why Choose Thread Lifting Over a Face Lift

The biggest reason to consider thread lifting instead of a more invasive face lift is the recovery process. A face lift needs to be done under general anesthesia, meaning you would need a driver after the surgery, as well as help around the home for a few days. Many people need 1-2 weeks off of work after having a face lift as well, due to the strong medication needed during recovery.

In contrast, thread lifting is a very easy procedure to recover from. It is done under local anesthesia so you can drive yourself to and from. You will also not need extra help around the home or time off of work. Being less invasive, thread lifting also has far fewer risks of complications. Since they are easier to perform, they are also much more affordable in most cases.

Who is a Good Candidate for Thread Lifting?

This is a good treatment option for both men and women who have mild to moderate sagging of the skin in the face and neck. If you have more severe sagging, thread lifting can be combined with other treatments to help you get to your desired results.

If you think that thread lifting sounds like a good option for you, give our office in Frisco a call today. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff is available to answer any questions you may have. We can also get you scheduled for a personal consultation where a treatment plan can be designed for you.

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