Summer is coming and that means that proper skin care in Plano TX should be the first thing on your mind. Gone are the days when sun worshippers laid in the sun all day with nothing between them and a bad sunburn but greasy suntan lotion that was more like cooking oil than protection from harmful UV rays. In the world of today, most people know that protecting their skin in the summer time with the right products, extra clothing and some common sense are the way to go. So, with the summer sun in North Texas beginning to make itself a factor in your daily routine, what should you do to protect your skin?
➤ Start by exfoliating your skin in the morning before you apply your makeup. Use an exfoliating scrub to remove dead skin cells that not only dull the look of your skin but keep toners and moisturizers from properly hydrating it. Once you’ve exfoliated, follow up with a hydrating body lotion to seal in moisture. Make sure you use a lotion with a high SPF for maximum protection.
➤ Keep your skin hydrated. For your face, you can use a hydrating skin masque once or twice a week. For your daily routine, use a moisture booster – preferably one that contains hyaluronic acid – under your moisturizer. Always keep a small spritzer bottle of revitalizing toner with you for quick hydration at work or on the go.
➤ Drink plenty of water. Drinking good, clean water from the tap or from a bottle is the best thing you can do for your skin – and for the rest of your body. Not only does it help to hydrate your skin from the inside but it can help to keep you from getting the headaches and dizziness that can so easily happen when you get dehydrated in the summer time. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day can help you to maintain your moisture balance and flush the toxins out of your body.
➤ Apply sunscreen liberally. Don’t just apply it just once in the morning. For proper skin care in Plano TX, you must apply and reapply sunscreen throughout the day, especially if you plan on spending a lot of time out of doors. There are a wide variety of options on the market with a range of sun protection formulas. Choose the highest SPF for maximum protection and apply it to all exposed skin every two hours.
➤ Soothe your skin. It can be easy to forget sunscreen so don’t beat yourself up if you get a sunburn. Just make sure to apply a cooling gel or a soothing botanical lotion to reduce the redness and peeling. Remember to avoid any more deliberate sun exposure until after your skin has healed.
➤ Treat sun-damaged skin. The sun doesn’t have to burn your skin to damage it. UV rays can make skin wrinkle, become coarse and develop brown ‘age’ spots. While you can’t reverse all of the damage that comes from many years living under the sun, you can treat many forms of damage with the right skin care products and treatments.
To get the best skin care in Plano TX – for everything from exfoliation to UV damage repair – call us at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa at (214) 705-7676. You can also visit us online at to find out more about our treatments and how we can help you.
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Photo Credit: tomwang