Throw Away Your Razor with Laser Hair Removal in the Plano Area

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

You have decided that the daily ritual of shaving is just too much to endure. From nicks and scrapes to bumps that hurt, the aftermath of shaving is so unpleasant that you are looking for a meaningful alternative in the Plano area. There just has to be some better way to rid your body of all this unwanted hair, right? When it comes to getting rid of unwanted hair, there is one alternative to shaving that is going to make a huge difference in how you think about hair removal. That alternative is laser hair removal, and it could make your life so much easier.

How It Works

Laser hair removal is a very simple process that works by employing a laser to affect the hair follicles that allow the hair to grow. By impairing the hair follicles, hair starts to grow in thinner and thinner. In some cases, hair stops growing into a treated region altogether. However, it is important to note that results vary from patient to patient.

Just imagine the freedom that you would enjoy as a result of not needing to shave your face, back, legs, arms, and/or armpits anymore. While laser hair removal will likely not cause this to happen overnight, over the course of multiple sessions at our office, this possibility could become your reality.

With each laser hair removal treatment, more and more hair follicles are affected. This effectively means that your hair will grow in thinner and thinner as you complete each laser treatment of a region of skin where there is unwanted hair growth. So, even if you do have to shave now and then, the frequency of shaving is significantly reduced to occupying far less of your time.

Getting Rid of Your Unwanted Hair

Would you love to be able to throw away your razor, or at least not have to shave nearly as often as you currently do? Make an appointment at Le Beau Visage Med Spa and see if laser hair removal in the Plano area can work for you. We have offices located in Frisco, Dallas, and Schulenburg. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for laser hair removal!

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