TNS Essential Serum – What is it?

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

It’s something many of us don’t think about – but our body’s largest organ is our skin. Due to the vital role your skin plays, it’s important to keep it healthy. Unlike a muscle, however, our skin isn’t exactly something we can go the gym and address. To improve the natural effects of age and wear and tear, we can apply products or creams, such as TNS Essential Serum, that are specifically formulated to handle these variables.

Many assume that all products do what they claim to do. Others think any discount store face wash or cream will adequately take care of your skin. Many dermatologists suggest using a top-of-the-line skin product, such as TNS Essential Serum. TNS Essential Serum contains only the highest quality ingredients. It will truly give you the life-changing skin results you have been looking for.

The Ingredients and Benefits

In terms of what’s in TNS Essential Serum, it’s a completely proprietary formula. While some ingredients are unique to the serum itself, there are plenty of time-tested, clinically-proven ingredients that are specifically formulated with your skin in mind. That means that rather than buying a cookie-cutter formula that only works to clean off dead outer skin, this is a deep-cleansing formula that cleans and rejuvenates even the toughest of skin.

Essentially, the serum is just a delivery system for highly absorbable nutrients that restore the firmness, clearness, and smoothness of youthful skin. Even if you don’t have any visible signs of aging, this cream is the perfect preventative tool to maintain and uplift beautiful-looking skin.

Ingredients include a proprietary skin complex that restores the outermost layers of skin with healthy building-blocks to support anti-aging. A blend of peptides that include Hydrolyzed Silk ensures that amino-acids and skin proteins have the material they need to form new layers of skin.

A complex blend of polyphenols, essential nutrients, vitamins, and plant-based extracts work together synergistically to restore skin like never before. And what makes TNS Essential Serum even more incredible is the countless amount of scientific research that backs every product in the formula.

This ensures that you’re getting a product that is 100 percent effective and backed by experts. Also, given the incredible amount of ingredients found in TNS Essential Serum, it’s essential that you’re buying this product from only the most reputable retailers and skin rejuvenation specialists on the market.

An Incredible Value

Don’t fall for the hype. No matter how provocative a competitor’s pitch might seem, there is only one TNS Essential Serum. Given the popularity and demand of this product, it’s not uncommon for only a few scarce retailers to carry it.

Thankfully, Le Beau Visage Medical Spa is a top-of-the-line medical spa that sells the serum, in addition to other incredible anti-aging products. If you’re ready to look the best you ever have—don’t wait—contact Le Beau Visage Medical Spa today or visit our online store!

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