Understand the Basics of Laser Hair Removal in Plano TX

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

One of the most efficient and popular ways of getting rid of unwanted hair is laser hair removal in Plano TX. Compared to some of the more traditional methods of hair removal like shaving, waxing, and plucking, laser hair removal is virtually pain free and requires far less maintenance. Despite the popularity of laser hair removal as a hair removal technique, many people still avoid getting laser treatments because the very name itself makes them nervous. People assume that anything involving lasers must be painful or complicated, stopping themselves from investigating the laser hair removal process like they should. When a person understands how the laser hair removal process works, they will be far more likely to undergo it.

At its most basic, laser hair removal in Plano TX involves exposing unwanted hair to the pulses of a laser light. Those pulses destroy the hair follicle, preventing the follicle from growing more hair for a period of time after the treatment. People don’t understand how these lasers work and assume that they are being used to burn away the hair rather than used to damage the hair follicle. Instead, the laser is designed to target dark melanin in the hair follicle without damaging the rest of the skin. The follicle absorbs the specific wavelength of light being put out by the laser, and that absorption destroys the follicle. The follicle is the portion of the hair that causes hair to grow, so when the follicle is destroyed, the hair will cease to grow. In order to achieve this affect a person must go in for several treatments to make sure that all the hairs in their various stages of growth are caught and have their follicles destroyed by the laser.

Laser hair removal in Plano TX is an amazingly effective procedure, but in order for the procedure to do what you need it to do, you need to find someone who can do the procedure correctly. The effectiveness of laser hair removal is tied to how well the laser hair removal technician does their job, so in order to ensure the best outcome possible, you want to entrust you laser hair removal to the best. When you want the best, you want Le Beau Visage. With their experience and training they will be able to give you one of the best laser hair removal experiences that you can have, making the experience practically painless and exceptionally effective.  Contact them at www.lebeau.wpengine.com to find out more about the service they offer.

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