What Is PRP Treatment Used for?

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Platelet-rich plasma is a substance derived from the patient’s blood. When injected into the scalp or face, it rejuvenates the local cells and gets rid of diseases or signs of aging. PRP treatment is an exciting innovation because it makes use of the body’s healing powers. At Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX, we often use this method to treat hair loss, but we can also help patients regain their smooth, even facial features with PRP.

What Is PRP Treatment Used for?

Originally, PRP was developed to help elite athletes get back to their sport faster after an injury. The substance can be injected into damaged joints, where it stimulates the body’s healing response and encourages healthy cells to replace the damaged ones. Fortunately, PRP is no longer reserved for athletes, and it can be accessed by everyone.

At Le Beau Visage Medical Spa, we focus on treating cosmetic conditions with this substance. Most commonly, we use PRP to help patients suffering from hair loss. However, we can also inject platelet-rich plasma into the face to treat wrinkles, sagging skin, and small blemishes like acne scars. PRP is the perfect solution for people who are worried about injecting chemicals under their skin because the substance is completely natural.

Hair Restoration

Most people struggle with hair loss at some point in life. While men often develop a receding hairline or bald patches, women suffer from a general thinning of their hair as they grow older. Hair loss related to the aging process can be treated with PRP as long as there are still some functional hair follicles in the treatment area. We can also help patients who have stress-related hair loss and those who have lost their hair due to chemo or a similar medication.

At the start of treatment, the patient’s blood is drawn, and the PRP substance is created. Then, it is injected into the area where the person would like to grow more hair. The platelets stimulate the hair follicles and encourage them to grow faster. As a result, patients grow new hair in the weeks and months after their injections. Most people need three to six appointments to see excellent results because not all hair follicles are active at the same time.

Wrinkle Reduction

Wrinkles are completely normal, and they affect virtually everyone. Despite this, they can be extremely distressing and make people feel less self-confident. There are many anti-wrinkle treatments out there. At the clinic, we offer injectables, skin tightening, laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion, thread lifting, and more. Although these treatments are all minimally invasive, they aren’t appropriate for every patient.

PRP for wrinkle reduction is a great alternative for those who are worried about using chemicals or abrasive products on their skin. It’s an excellent treatment for people who have allergies because the active ingredient comes from the patient’s body and is therefore unlikely to cause a reaction. The injections are more long-lasting than some of the other options, so they work well for busy patients.

Getting Rid of Blemishes

Researchers have found that blemishes are one of the first things we notice about new people we meet. When someone has small scars from acne or chickenpox, burn marks, or uneven skin, they might be perceived as less attractive, less confident, and less healthy than those with a smooth and even skin tone. PRP injections are an excellent solution for these people because they encourage the body to replace blemished skin cells with healthy ones.

It takes several weeks for the results to become apparent because the body needs to repair the damaged tissues. After two to six sessions, most patients notice a distinct difference in the appearance of their faces. The results of PRP scar treatment are permanent, as long as the underlying cause of the issue has been addressed.

Why Choose PRP?

Many people choose PRP treatment because they want to experience excellent results without having to undergo an operation and spend a lot of time recovering. They like the short recovery time and how natural this method is.

PRP is an excellent choice for many patients, even those who have health concerns and are therefore unable to participate in some of our other minimally invasive treatments. The injectable is especially useful for people who are suffering from hair loss because the treatment options for this condition are very limited.

Completely Natural

Regenerative medicine is an exciting new branch that aims to treat people without relying on chemicals or operations. The idea behind these treatments is that the body is already well-equipped to heal itself, and it simply needs to be encouraged to do so. PRP is one of the most successful regenerative treatments because it is so easy to administer, and it can address a wide range of cosmetic and medical concerns.

As mentioned, the injectable is created using components from the patient’s blood. Platelets are small blood cells that release growth factors and therefore speed up cell repair. This process happens in the body every time the patient has a cut, scrape, or bruise. The treatment simply harnesses this natural mechanism and applies it to the treatment site.

Long-Lasting Results

One of the biggest problems with most beauty treatments is that they don’t last very long. Patients have to apply skin creams and lotions every day to see noticeable results. This is time-consuming and expensive. PRP is much better for busy people because it yields long-lasting results. Those who are getting injections for age-related hair loss or wrinkling can expect their treatment area to remain fresh for at least one year.

Patients who come to the clinic because they have old acne or chickenpox scars, blemishes from an accident or fire, or hair loss due to a treatment that is now over can expect permanent results. Because they no longer suffer from the condition that caused their cosmetic concern, it’s unlikely that the symptoms will come back once they have been treated.

A Good Choice for Many Patients

PRP is suitable for almost everyone. It can address a range of conditions. Aside from slowing down the aging process and stimulating the growth of new hair, it can also help people get rid of blemishes, skin conditions like rosacea, and scars. Because the PRP substance is healthy and natural, it improves the function of the patient’s tissues and doesn’t cause any damage.

When you come to the clinic, we’ll have a look at your health history to determine whether this is a suitable method for you. You are a good candidate, even if you have some health concerns and can’t take part in plastic surgery. We might need to choose a different method if you have a disorder related to the blood or a skin condition like psoriasis or eczema.

One of the Few Hair Restoration Treatments

In the past, patients who suffered from hair loss didn’t have many options open to them. They were usually told to wait until they were completely bald in the treatment area. At that point, doctors offered them a hair transplant. Nowadays, patients no longer have to suffer while their hair slowly thins. Instead, they can get treated with PRP as soon as they notice the first signs of hair loss.

What Happens During the Appointment?

Each PRP appointment only takes 30-45 minutes. Patients are in and out of the clinic within one hour. We start by drawing blood and spinning it in a centrifuge to extract the PRP substance. Then, we numb the skin of the treatment area and inject the PRP.

After treatment, patients can leave and return to their normal activities. They can drive themselves home or go back to work if they have a desk job. It’s best to avoid strenuous activities that heat the treatment area for at least a day or two. We tell all our patients to avoid activities like hot showers or visits to the sauna. Certain substances like blood thinners, alcohol, and nicotine have to be paused for about one week before and after each session.

Achieve Your Esthetic Goals with PRP

PRP treatment is an innovative and highly effective method of addressing hair loss, wrinkling, and blemished skin. It involves injecting components derived from the patient’s blood into their treatment area to stimulate the body’s healing response. Send us a message or call us at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX to book your initial consultation. We’ll evaluate your cosmetic concern to determine whether this is the ideal treatment for you.

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