PRP Hair Restoration


Introduction to PRP Hair Restoration

Hair loss, shedding, and thinning are all scalp conditions that can have a grave impact on a patient’s self-esteem and quality of life. PRP injections offer a cutting-edge solution for individuals seeking a more youthful, attractive appearance without invasive procedures. Packed with restorative growth factors that stimulate dormant hair follicles and enhance hair shaft strength and longevity, PRP hair restoration has quickly risen in popularity and become a vital tool in the aesthetic arsenal.

Located in Frisco, TX, Le Beau Visage Medical Spa provides dermal filler injections to patients all over the North Dallas and Plano metropolitan areas, including, but not limited to, Frisco, McKinney, and Allen, Texas. We deliver nuanced, natural-looking hair restoration outcomes tailored to your unique anatomy and goals.

bearded middle-aged man in a white shirt standing outside in a modern cityscape, gazing thoughtfully into the distance - PRP Hair Restoration in Frisco, TX

What is PRP Hair Restoration?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma), a blood product derived from your body, provides exponential healing properties that have given way to a variety of cosmetic applications, including hair restoration. PRP is rich with potent, regenerative growth factors that repair and reinvigorate dormant hair follicles to provide patients with thicker, more luxurious locks. The types of growth factors found in PRP include:

Epidermal Growth Factors (EGFs)

These growth factors are in charge of cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration in many areas of the body, including scalp tissue. Studies show that EGFs promote hair follicle stability and improve the overall health of follicles.

Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs)

Fibroblast growth factors are proteins found throughout the body that perform a variety of functions, including stimulating new hair follicle growth. FGFs help improve blood flow through angiogenesis while also triggering new tissue formation.

Transforming Growth Factors (TGFs)

Transforming growth factors are crucial signaling proteins in the body, specifically known for their role in regulating hair follicle formation and cycling. They work by promoting the elongation of hair follicles, allowing old hairs to shed from the scalp and new ones to form.

Plasma-Derived Growth Factors (PDGFs)

Telogen is a resting phase in the hair growth cycle. In contrast, anagen is the active hair growth phase, during which the follicle obtains nourishment from its root to support healthy growth. PDGFs are known to induce the anagen phase of the hair cycle. This helps hair grow to its optimal length while maintaining strength and elasticity.

What Are the Benefits of PRP Hair Restoration?

PRP hair restoration is a viable solution for anyone suffering from thinning hair, shedding, a receding hairline, or general hair loss. Benefits include:

Poses No Risk

For many people, the thought of a hair transplant procedure causes quite a bit of anxiety. The fear of surgery and potential adverse reactions often deters them from going through with the procedure. Thankfully, that is not the case with PRP hair growth treatment. This revolutionary medical breakthrough uses platelets from a person’s blood to stimulate new hair growth and avoid surgical complications. This means that there is no risk of adverse reactions as no foreign substances are introduced into the body. Additionally, there is minimal to no scarring, and one can return to work immediately after each session.

Strengthens Thinning Hair

Hair thinning is an issue that affects both men and women. It can be caused by hormonal changes in the body, age, health conditions, and hereditary factors. In general, the thinning process begins with a reduction in the hair follicle size. Hair thinning also means that hair follicles can no longer absorb sufficient amounts of nutrients, resulting in weaker and finer strands of hair. This can often culminate in outright pattern baldness. Once signs of thinning start to show, it can be almost impossible for hair to grow back on its own without medical intervention. Fortunately, PRP contains many growth factors that can help strengthen existing hair strands by encouraging natural regrowth.

Darkens the Hair

One question that we are often asked by patients seeking PRP hair growth treatment is whether the injections will darken their hair. The answer is a resounding yes! To understand how PRP treatments can help your hair become darker, you must comprehend the science behind the process. The natural color of hair comes from the melanin produced by special cells called melanocytes, which are found inside the hair follicles. When the regenerative properties of PRP are applied to your scalp, it can stimulate melanogenesis, triggering an increase in melanin. This gives your hair a noticeably darker hue.

Reduces Fat Dandruff

Fat dandruff is a type of scalp condition that causes flaky buildup on the scalp due to excess sebum production coupled with accumulation of hair care products. This buildup can lead to an itchy and dry scalp, which sometimes is so uncomfortable that sufferers are driven to scratch their heads vigorously, causing further irritation. Continued scratching can weaken hair follicles and even lead to partial hair loss. Fortunately, PRP injections can help revitalize the scalp and dramatically reduce fat dandruff. By leveraging the restorative powers of your own blood, PRP helps remove dead skin cells, hydrates the skin, and reduces inflammation on the scalp.

Who Are the Best Candidates for PRP Hair Restoration?

Most patients who want to restore their natural hair growth are good candidates for hair restoration treatments. Both men and women who are experiencing mild to moderate hair loss may benefit from platelet-rich plasma treatments. There are factors that will make this treatment more appropriate for some individuals, such as:

Active Hair Follicles

As with many other treatments to restore natural hair growth, PRP injections demand that your hair follicles are still active and relatively healthy. Permanent hair loss is caused by hair follicles that cease functioning, usually due to age or health-related concerns. If your hair follicles are no longer active, then PRP hair restoration treatments cannot restore your hair. To determine if you have active hair follicles, a healthcare practitioner will need to examine your scalp using a special lens. If you have enough active hair follicles, PRP treatment is likely a good match for you.

Early Hair Loss 

If you’re in the early stages of hair loss, this treatment is appropriate for you. The early stages of hair loss can occur at any age, but the most prominent symptom is noticeable hair thinning. For men, hair thinning may be concentrated on the crown and around the temples. For women, hair thinning can be diffused across the entire scalp. If you are in the mid to late stages of hair loss, it’s unlikely that you have enough active or healthy hair follicles for this treatment to be truly effective.

Alternative to Other Therapies

 This treatment may also be a good match if you are looking for an alternative to other therapies. For example, while Rogaine is often the first option for many patients, some people may have negative skin reactions to this medication, which means it’s necessary to find an alternative hair restoration treatment. Likewise, if you are looking for an alternative to hair restoration surgery, PRP treatment can serve as a minimally invasive, natural solution that can restore your hair health with minimal downtime.

Who Is Not a Good Candidate?

PRP hair restoration is not recommended for those with certain health conditions, such as blood infections, cancer, or autoimmune diseases. Those with anemia or certain skin disorders are also poor candidates. You will need to attend a consultation with our knowledgeable team at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX, to assess whether you are an ideal candidate for this treatment based on your general health and aesthetic concerns.

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Let’s Get Started

What’s The First Step?

The PRP hair restoration treatment process begins with an initial consultation at our luxury facility in Frisco, Texas. Not everyone suffers from the same type of hair loss. For some, genetics and lifestyle factors have led to early onset hair loss. For others, hormone changes combined with multiple pregnancies and the aging process have caused their hair to thin and weaken.

At your consultation, we will evaluate your scalp, discuss your concerns, and then create a custom-tailored treatment plan to address your specific form of hair loss so that you can experience beautiful, healthy-looking hair once more. Once we confirm that you are a good candidate, we will schedule your treatment.

Two weeks before your treatment, you should stop the use of steroid medications. One week before your treatment, you should discontinue NSAIDs, anti-inflammatory medications, and blood thinning medications. You should also wash your hair 12 to 24 hours before your treatment and avoid the use of hair care products on the day of your appointment.

What to Expect on the Day of a PRP Hair Restoration Treatment

During PRP hair restoration, a small sample of your blood is collected as a first step. It is then placed in a centrifuge where it is spun in order to separate the PRP from the rest of the blood’s components. Once the platelet-rich plasma is separated, it can then be applied to the targeted areas of the scalp through a series of tiny injections. PRP works beneath the surface within the damaged tissue to promote the regeneration of healthy hair strands. Collagen production is also supported for improved scalp hydration. You can begin to see results in the months following your treatment as PRP continues to encourage healing.

PRP Hair Restoration Recovery

After your treatment, you will need to avoid direct sun exposure, so be sure to wear a hat on the day of your appointment. You also need to avoid swimming for two days, as well as saunas, steam, hot water, and vigorous exercise. It is often recommended to wait to wash your hair until 48 hours have passed. Other than these restrictions, you are free to resume your normal activities right away after a PRP hair restoration session in Frisco/Plano, North Texas.

Fair & Transparent Pricing

How Much Does PRP Hair Restoration Cost in Plano, TX?

The cost of PRP hair restoration in Frisco and North Texas will vary depending on the extent of hair renewal you require and the total number of sessions needed. During your private consultation, we will answer your questions in depth, providing transparent pricing for your treatment.

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Why Choose Le Beau Visage Medical Spa?

Le Beau Visage Medical Spa offers patients access to today’s most innovative and cutting-edge cosmetic solutions, including PRP hair restoration. We provide a welcoming practice environment where every individual is treated with compassion and respect. Our world-class aesthetic center in Frisco, TX, is helmed by award-winning physician Dr. Jason M. Riehs, M.D., J.D., a trusted medical authority who has extensive expertise and training in the complex field of Anti-Aging Medicine. Credentialed as a Master Injector, Dr. Riehs was selected to serve as an advanced injectable trainer for one of the most noteworthy aesthetics companies in the industry, Galderma Pharmaceuticals, manufacturers of Dysport, Restylane, and Sculptra. Dr. Riehs is devoted to his patients and provides concierge care, natural-looking outcomes, and an experience that exceeds expectations from start to finish.

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