Who Is a Good Candidate for Hair Restoration?

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Hair loss can be distressing for many people. Not only can it be embarrassing, but it may be frustrating when at-home products to enhance hair growth are not effective. If you’re looking for a way to restore your hair growth, then you may want to consider PRP hair restoration at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Hair Restoration?

In general, most people who want to restore their natural hair growth are good candidates for hair restoration treatments. Both men and women who are experiencing mild to moderate hair loss may benefit from platelet-rich plasma treatments. There are factors that will make this treatment more appropriate for some people, such as:

Active Hair Follicles

Like many other treatments to restore natural hair growth, your hair follicles must still be active and relatively healthy. Permanent hair loss is caused by hair follicles that cease functioning, usually due to age or health-related concerns. If your hair follicles are no longer active, then not even PRP hair restoration treatments can restore your hair.

To determine if you have active hair follicles, a dermatologist will need to examine your scalp to assess the health of your hair follicles. Using a special lens, a dermatologist can identify hair follicles that are still capable of sustaining hair growth. If you have enough active hair follicles, this treatment is likely a good match for you.

Early Hair Loss

If you’re in the early stages of hair loss, then this treatment is particularly appropriate for you. The early stages of hair loss can occur at any age, but the most prominent symptom of early hair loss is noticeable hair thinning. For men, hair thinning may be concentrated on the crown of the head and around the temples; for women, hair thinning can be diffused across the entire scalp.

This treatment is most appropriate for early hair loss because PRP treatments can restore the health of active hair follicles. If you are in the mid to late stages of hair loss, it’s unlikely that you have enough active or healthy hair follicles for this treatment to be truly effective. A dermatologist will be able to determine which stage of hair loss you are in through an examination.

Alternative to Other Therapies

This treatment may also be a good match if you are looking for an alternative to other therapies. For example, while Rogaine is often the first option for many patients, some people may have negative skin reactions to this medication, which means it’s necessary to find an alternative hair restoration treatment.

Likewise, if you are looking for an alternative to hair restoration surgery, such as a hair transplant, this treatment can be a minimally invasive, natural solution that can restore your hair health with minimal downtime.

Who Is Not a Good Candidate?

People who are not good candidates for this treatment include those who have certain health conditions, such as infections of the blood, cancer, or autoimmune diseases. Those who have anemia or certain skin conditions are also not good candidates. You will need to attend a consultation to assess whether you are an ideal candidate for this treatment based on your general health and aesthetic concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions About PRP Hair Restoration

1. Is This Treatment Effective?

PRP treatments to restore hair growth are highly effective. According to several clinical trials, there is a 70% to 90% success rate after undergoing a series of treatments, including for those who have genetic hair loss. In recent studies, people who use PRP treatments to restore hair growth can see an increase in healthy hair follicles by 24% per square centimeter on the scalp.

2. How Does This Treatment Compare to Rogaine?

Compared to Rogaine, PRP is often more effective for more people. In a 2019 study,  participants who used Rogaine were compared to participants who used PRP. It was found that the participants who used platelet-rich plasma had much better results than those who use Rogaine after six months.

Additionally, because PRP treatments are much easier to manage than Rogaine, this treatment is often preferable for many people. For example, while you need to apply Rogaine topically one to two times a day, PRP treatments can be done infrequently and will not alter your hair care products or routine. You also don’t have to be concerned about Rogaine transference causing hair growth on undesired areas of the face or body.

3. How Many Sessions Will You Need?

Most people will require a series of at least three treatments that are spaced about a month apart to see initial results. Depending on your level of hair loss, your scalp health, and how well you respond to your treatment, you may need additional sessions to achieve your desired hair growth goals.

4. How Soon Will You See Results?

Usually, people will see their desired results about four to six months after their initial appointment. This is because it will take several weeks for platelet-rich plasma to restore the health of the scalp and hair follicles.

As the PRP activates the regenerative properties in your scalp, the platelets will gradually stimulate hair growth. Because hair grows roughly a quarter of an inch to a half inch each month, you will not notice significant results for at least four to eight weeks.

5. How Can You Maintain Your Results?

Once you have your desired level of hair growth, your next task will be maintaining your desired results. Fortunately, because PRP restores the health of your hair follicles, you can be confident that your hair growth will be sustained for several months. Some things you can do to manage or even enhance your results include:

Top-Up Treatments

For the best results, you need to have top-up treatment at least every six months. These additional treatments are essential to keep your scalp and hair follicles healthy and active, particularly if the cause of your hair loss is genetic or related to a serious health condition.

Good Hair and Scalp Care

You should also have good hair and scalp care. Essentially, this means understanding your hair type and the oiliness of your scalp, which will influence the frequency of your hair washing and the hair care products that are ideal for you.

People who are experiencing hair thinning or hair loss typically use hair care products that are designed to stimulate a healthy scalp, which can include using products that are low in sulfates. Good hair and scalp care can also include limiting hair brushing, using water-based hair styling products, and avoiding putting tension on the scalp, such as with a ponytail.

Healthy Lifestyle

Finally, leading a healthy lifestyle can be hugely effective for maintaining your results. Your scalp thrives when you are consuming nutrients that support hair growth, particularly protein and omega-3 oils. Limiting alcohol and tobacco consumption can also benefit your scalp health.

6. What Can You Expect From Treatment?

Usually, PRP treatments will take about 45 minutes to complete. During your treatment, we will draw a small amount of blood and process this blood in a centrifuge, which will separate red blood cells from the plasma. Once the plasma is isolated, it will be injected directly into your scalp in areas where there is visible hair thinning.

7. What Should You Do Before Treatment?

Two weeks before your treatment, you should stop the use of steroid medications. One week before your treatment, you should discontinue NSAIDs, anti-inflammatory medications, and blood thinning medications. You should also wash your hair 12 to 24 hours before your treatment and avoid the use of hair care products on the day of your appointment.

8. What Should You Do After Treatment?

After your treatment, you will need to avoid direct sun exposure, so be sure to wear a hat on the day of your appointment. You also need to avoid swimming for two days, as well as saunas, steam, hot water, and vigorous exercise. It’s often recommended to wait to wash your hair until 48 hours have passed.

Grow Thick, Beautiful Hair With PRP Hair Restoration

If you are in the early stages of hair loss, or you’re experiencing abnormal hair shedding that’s leading to thinning hair, one thing you can do to restore your hair growth is to use PRP hair restoration treatments. When PRP treatments are combined with a healthy lifestyle and good scalp care, it’s possible to restore your level of hair growth. Take advantage of the specials at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX when you schedule your consultation today.

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