7 Common Questions Regarding Dysport

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Dysport is an injectable product that eliminates or at least softens the appearance of wrinkles particularly in the forehead area. This FDA-approved drug has also been shown to effectively smooth out the glabellar lines, which are more commonly referred to as frown lines between the brows, and to correct the drooping brows.

Dysport works similarly to Botox because they share the same active ingredient–i.e., botulinum toxin. And while it is true that there are slight differences in their unit sizes and protein concentration, both provide the same rejuvenating effects in the hands of a qualified injector.

Read on the most frequently asked questions to learn if you’re a good candidate for Dysport.

1. Who Is A Good Candidate For Dysport?

You’re a good candidate for this treatment if you’re under 65 years old and are seeking treatment to improve the appearance of your frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and sagging brows.

2. What Makes It Ideal For Treating The Forehead Area?

While Dysport and Botox can reduce the appearance of wrinkles in certain areas of the face, this treatment may have an advantage because it has a wider spread, which makes this ideal for treating a larger area such as the forehead. This might also mean fewer injection sites and possibly more natural results.

3. When Can I See The Effects Of The Treatment?

The results are typically visible within 1-2 days, which makes this treatment ideal if you want to be ready for an upcoming event in time. Botox, meanwhile, requires 4-5 days before you see its effects.

4. Does It Provide Natural Results?

Both Dysport and Botox provide natural results in the hands of a qualified injector (i.e., dermatologist and plastic surgeon). A good rule of thumb is to choose a provider who is comfortable with using both products. However, some doctors are partial to Dysport on the assumption that its lower protein concentration compared to Botox allows it to spread more evenly, which in turn may provide softer, more natural results.

5. How Long Is The Treatment?

The injection generally takes 10-20 minutes and involves no or very little discomfort because your doctor will use a very fine needle and may apply numbing techniques such as icing or topical numbing cream at least 15 minutes before the treatment.

In a nutshell, Dysport injection is a well-tolerated treatment for the vast majority of patients even without the use of any numbing technique.

6. How Long Do The Effects Last?

The results of Dysport can last between 3-4 months, although some patients can maintain their rejuvenated appearance for up to six months. This is particularly true for someone who has regular touch-ups.

7. Can I Have Dysport And Dermal Fillers At The Same Time?

Yes. In fact, they commonly combine these two non-surgical facial treatments. This approach is sometimes referred to as liquid facelift or lunchtime lift.

Dermal fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Radiesse complement the effects of Dysport by filling in hollowed areas of the face such as the gaunt cheeks and concave temples and correcting the appearance of deep wrinkles caused by soft tissue deflation like the laugh lines and marionette lines.

To learn more about the benefits of Dysport, contact the experts at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa to schedule your initial consultation.

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