Benefits of Microdermabrasion From a Medical Spa in Frisco, TX

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Medical Spa Frisco TXThe sun, wind and even our lifestyles can really do a number on our skin. Many creams and potions exist to combat skin issues from daily damage but perhaps the most effective treatment is microdermabrasion.

Some benefits of microdermabrasion include unclogging pores, eliminating fine lines and wrinkles, reversing oily or dull skin and eliminating mild acne scars, just to name a few. Microdermabrasion also enhances circulation and lymph flow, and this creates healthier skin from the inside out.

The next time you look in the mirror and wonder what you can do for your skin, consider microdermabrasion. Then choose a great medical spa in Frisco, TX, by calling Le Beau Visage to learn more about the benefits of microdermabrasion.

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