Benefits of Botox

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

It’s really not your fault; general aging happens to all of us. Our skin gets more delicate and thinner as we get older, and our bodies produce less collagen year after year. Wrinkles are bound to develop sooner or later, and once you’ve got them, it takes a lot of proper products to try and soften them. That is why Botox® for wrinkles is one of the most incredible beauty treatments out there. It can halt wrinkles in their tracks for months at a time, allowing your complexion to look smooth, and give you a rested and more youthful appearance. Botox® remains the number one cosmetic treatment out there. It’s fast, safe and affordable.

Going Strong for 17 Years Now

Botox® is an amazing injectable serum that has several therapeutic benefits like stopping excessive sweating and relieving migraines, but it’s best known for making women and men look wrinkle-free. The treatment was approved in 2002 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for cosmetic use, and immediately, people were getting their scowl lines removed. No longer did they have to worry about those annoying “elevens” or the two short vertical lines located between the eyebrows.

The injectable is appealing to many because the procedure takes just a few minutes, is ideal for all skin tones and adults, doesn’t require surgery or downtime, and one session can stop wrinkles for up to three to six months.

Multiple Benefits for Face/Neck

A skilled aesthetic specialist knows exactly where and how to inject Botox® for superb smoothing results, a subtle lift to the brows and an overall younger and rested appearance.

In addition to the “elevens” or glabellar lines, the amazing injectable can also be placed in the crow’s feet or outer eye wrinkles. That’s not all; the smoothing serum can be injected into the horizontal lines on the forehead, the bunny lines around the bridge of the nose, the lipstick lines and vertical marionette lines outside the sides of the mouth and on the chin for dimpling or cobblestones.

When it comes to your neck, the injectable can smooth the horizontal creases and the vertical rope bands or platysma muscle.

Botox® has really changed the way women and men approach youthful maintenance. Just a couple of treatment sessions a year can leave you wrinkle-free. Some skin care experts also believe that continuous Botox® treatments improve the wrinkles you already have by halting wrinkle depth and softening them.

If you’re curious about the magical benefits of Botox®, consider us here at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa. We take great pride in the skill and talent of our aesthetic specialists. They are excellent at all cutting-edge treatments and injectables. We are conveniently located in Frisco, TX. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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