Who is a Candidate for Dermal Fillers in Frisco?

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Aging, as well as lifestyle habits like sunbathing or smoking, can compromise the appearance and quality of your facial skin. As the years pass, you may find that you look older than your age. However, you may not want to undergo a facelift to restore your younger appearance. You may reverse some of the damages inflicted by aging, smoking, sun exposure, and other factors with dermal fillers at our office in Frisco.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are substances that are injected into the top layer of skin on your face. They are typically gel made from hyaluronic acid. This substance occurs naturally in the body, making dermal fillers safe for the body to tolerate and eventually absorb. The results of the treatment can last for months and require minimal upkeep.

Dermal filler injections are given on an outpatient basis in the comfort of our office in Frisco. This treatment is minimally-invasive, convenient, and requires little, if any, significant recovery time. You can go home and/or get back to your normal routine after your appointment.

How are Dermal Fillers Given?

As mentioned, dermal fillers are given as outpatient treatments. To start the procedure, we will clean the area being treated. From there, the filler of choice is skillfully injected into the preselected areas. The entire procedure should take just minutes to complete.

It is important to understand that the results of dermal filler treatments are not permanent. Eventually, the results that you’ve been enjoying will start to fade. However, when this does happen, you can simply return to our office in Frisco for a follow-up treatment. Dermal fillers can be repeated multiple times a year as necessary to maintain the results.

Getting Started with Dermal Fillers

When you want to achieve your cosmetic goals, the team at Le Beau Visage Med Spa can help. During a consultation with us in Frisco, you can learn about the type of fillers we have available, including which type is likely to give you the results you desire. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about how this popular treatment can benefit you!

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