Your Esthetician in McKinney, TX and Vein Reduction

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Esthetician McKinney TXSpider veins, varicose veins and other facial imperfections can be dealt with with non-invasive laser procedures. Surface laser procedures can work on smaller vein imperfections but ask your esthetician about limitations on larger vein issues.

Surface laser treatments last for about 20 minutes, and can feel hot. To help with the heat, your esthetician will use a cooling procedure – typically water.  Expect to undergo several treatments to completely eliminate the appearance of veins. Some side effects include discolored skin that clears up within a few months and redness or swelling on the area, which disappears within a few days.

Get the most out of your skin care experiences by calling Le Beau Visage and making an appointment with the best esthetician McKinney, TX.

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