For many people, hair loss is one of the biggest age-related concerns. It affects the vast majority of men and around 50% of women at some point in life. At Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX, we offer PRP hair restoration to patients who are worried about their hair. Read on to find out more about this treatment, so you can determine whether it could be a good fit for you.
How Effective Is PRP Hair Restoration?
Platelet-rich plasma injections effectively stimulate the body’s healing process. They are used to treat a wide range of medical conditions and cosmetic concerns. When injected into the scalp, they speed up hair growth and help patients to regain their previous head of hair. According to several studies, up to 90% of people experience great results after their PRP sessions.
The treatment can be used to address hair loss caused by a variety of factors. Most commonly, people start losing their hair due to the natural aging process. However, they might also suffer from hair loss caused by stress, illness, medication, or a nutrient deficiency. As long as the underlying condition has been resolved, PRP is a great solution for almost every hair loss patient.
How Does the Treatment Work?
Regenerative medicine aims to activate the natural healing process and address illnesses and cosmetic issues without harsh chemicals or operations. Platelet-rich plasma is a particularly promising treatment because the active ingredient comes from the patient’s own blood, so it’s perfectly safe. The risk of complications and allergic reactions is very low, and the treatment can be used on almost everyone.
The patient’s blood is extracted and processed. The large red and white blood cells are discarded, while the smaller platelets are injected into the treatment area. Platelets are healing agents that stimulate the production of healthy cells and encourage the body to break down diseased tissues. If large numbers are injected into the treatment site, the area is rejuvenated, and the function of the local tissue is restored.
How Long Do the Results Last?
There are plenty of topical creams and oral medications that claim to address hair loss. Unfortunately, they don’t always work as well as promised. Another disadvantage is that these solutions have to be used at least once a day, so they take up a lot of time. PRP treatment is a much better alternative because it’s more potent, and it can last for many months at a time.
The longevity of the results depends on a wide range of factors. The most important one is the reason you’re suffering from hair loss. If you lost your hair due to an illness, medication, or stress, you can expect permanent results as long as you’ve resolved the underlying issue. If you have age-related hair loss, you have to come back to the clinic around once a year for maintenance sessions. Your lifestyle also affects the quality of your results.
Keeping the Results Fresh
It’s much easier for your body to remain in good condition if you lead a healthy lifestyle. That’s why we always ask our patients about their diets, exercise habits, and daily routines before administering treatment. We want to check that their hair loss isn’t caused by a nutrient deficiency or a problem with their lifestyles. We encourage everyone to eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, and lean proteins after each session, so the body recovers more quickly.
If necessary, patients can take a multivitamin supplement to remain healthy and prevent further hair loss. Getting enough sleep and downtime is equally important because it prevents stress-related problems. Patients who tend to feel anxious often benefit from participating in yoga, meditation, mindfulness, or other relaxation techniques. Taking good care of their bodies helps them to maintain their good results in the long run.
How Many Appointments Are Needed?
One PRP session isn’t usually enough to reverse hair loss. That’s why we almost always recommend three to six sessions at a time. Not all hair follicles are in the growth stage at the same time, so they can’t all be targeted at once. We ask patients to come to the clinic once a month, so the PRP has a chance to start working in between appointments.
Advantages of PRP
There are many options for people who want to rejuvenate their faces and get rid of wrinkles. However, hair loss is much harder to treat, and patients often struggle to find a good option. PRP is one of the best minimally invasive treatments for hair loss because it’s suitable for most patients, gentle, and safe. Patients become eligible as soon as they notice that their hair is thinning, so they don’t have to wait to get treated.
You Can Get Started Right Away
Before PRP became available, there was no great option for people who were starting to lose their hair. Instead, patients had to wait until they had bald patches and then book a hair transplant. This meant that they suffered from low confidence for several years because their hair was thinning, but they couldn’t get treatment right away.
PRP works well on people who still have functional hair follicles in the treatment area. That’s why it’s best to come to the clinic as soon as you notice that you’re starting to lose your hair. Reach out to us and ask for an evaluation. We’ll be happy to help you figure out whether PRP is right for you.
It’s Minimally Invasive
Many people don’t want to have a cosmetic operation because they’re worried about the side effects and the long recovery time. They are great candidates for PRP hair restoration since this is a minimally invasive treatment. We don’t use general anesthesia, make any incisions, or remove tissues from the body.
Instead, we simply draw the patient’s blood, process it, and inject it into the treatment site. Patients are conscious the whole time, and they don’t need to stay at the clinic for observation.
It’s Gentle and Safe
Sometimes, patients hesitate to come to the clinic because they think that we’ll suggest a harsh or abrasive treatment that damages their skin or puts their health at risk. This isn’t the case. Platelet-rich plasma is a natural substance that comes from the patient’s blood, and it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals. In fact, PRP is healthy because it rejuvenates the tissues and stimulates the body’s healing process.
Patients don’t usually feel pain during their sessions, and they recover almost right away. As long as they follow our aftercare guidelines, they don’t run into any issues after their appointments.
Most People Are Good Candidates
When you reach out, we’ll invite you to a consultation at the clinic. During this meeting, we analyze your treatment area and ask you about your medical history. That way, we can determine whether PRP is the right treatment for you. Unless you have a serious medical condition, or you’re pregnant, you’re almost certainly a good candidate. Since this treatment is so gentle, it’s appropriate for most people, even those who aren’t in perfect health.
What Happens During the Session?
Each appointment takes 60 to 90 minutes. Arrive early, so we can draw your blood and spin it in a centrifuge to extract the beneficial PRP substance. Once your blood has been processed, we apply a numbing cream to the treatment area and mark the injection sites. The injections themselves only take a few minutes, and you can leave the clinic once they’re over.
You don’t need to rest at home after your appointment. Instead, you can resume almost all your regular activities straight away. Because the treatment site is easy to cover up with hair or a hat, you can even go straight back to work.
What Do I Need to Do Afterward?
Don’t take blood-thinning medication for several days after each session. Keep your treatment area dry and clean, so it doesn’t get infected. Try to avoid direct exposure to sunlight by applying sunscreen and wearing a hat whenever you go outside. You can resume strenuous physical exercise one to two days after your appointment.
Regain Your Thick Head of Hair with PRP
PRP hair restoration is a highly effective treatment for people who are losing their hair due to the aging process, illness, medication, or stress. Because it’s minimally invasive, almost everyone is eligible, and there is very little downtime after each session. Reach out to us at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX to find out more about PRP hair treatment. We look forward to welcoming you to the clinic for an initial consultation.