Medical Spa-Approved Tips for Protecting Your Skin in the Winter

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Medical Spa McKinney TXThe summer has most likely left its mark on your skin, but it is time to prepare it for the harsh temperatures of the winter season by visiting a medical spa. The cold temperatures, wintry precipitation and constant blast of your heating system will likely wreak havoc on your skin, causing dry patches, itchiness and an unappealing look. With this guide, you will understand how to protect your skin through the upcoming harsh winter season.

Moisturize Daily

The cold winter air, icy precipitation and warmth from your home and vehicle’s heating system will dry out your skin. This dryness may occur in patches or all over your face and body. To replenish the moisture lost during the winter season, you must moisturize your skin daily. If your skin is already overly dry, moisturizing your skin multiple times per day may be necessary.

Most people will see dramatic improvements when using a moisturizer that contains jojoba or olive oil, or shea butter. Continue applying sun protection through the winter, as well, so choose a moisturizer that contains SPF protection of 30 or higher. Thankfully, professionals from the medical spa can determine which moisturizer is best for your specific type of skin. After you bathe or shower, dry off your skin completely. Then, apply an even coat to your face, neck, chest, abdomen, legs and feet.

Humidify Your Home

The majority of skin damage in the winter stems from the heat inside your home. Central heating systems, space heaters and fireplaces lower the humidity, or moisture, levels in your home. This reduction in humidity will quickly dry out your skin, but running a humidifier during the winter can help.

Place a simple table-top humidifier in the most-used rooms of your home. Be sure to run it a few hours a day, which is sufficient for placing moisture back into the air of your home.

Consider Injectables

The harsh winter temperatures will prevent your skin from producing enough collagen. Without collagen, your skin will not only become dry, but it will also lack the ability to bounce back to a healthy, youthful state.

Consult your spa to determine if you are a good candidate for facial fillers. These fillers are injected directly into the skin on your face, increasing the production of collagen to protect and rejuvenate damaged skin. Collagen fillers will also eliminate fine lines, wrinkles and depressions in your skin.

Winter is coming, so it is time to prepare. To learn more about protecting your skin through the harsh season, contact the Le Beau Visage medical spa in McKinney, Texas, at (214) 705-7676.

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