In Need of Skin Tightening? Learn about Fractora

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Fractora™ is a skin tightening solution for people whose skin has begun to sag, develop rough or uneven texture as a result of sun damage, aging, smoking or other pollutants. It also softens the look of acne scars, stretch marks and rosacea.

Fractora™ is a radiofrequency treatment. It causes skin tightening by introducing tiny areas of heat and controlled damage to the lower layers of the skin through the handpiece. This stimulates the body to produce collagen and elastin, which makes the skin both firm, plump and more youthful. The settings of the Fractora™ handpiece can be adjusted depending on the needs of the patient. Though the system can be used everywhere on the body, it is most often used on the eyelids, the mouth, the cheeks, and neck.

The Procedure

During the procedure, the patient lies on a treatment table. The skin tightening treatment lasts about 15 to 20 minutes, though it may take longer depending on how much of the skin is treated. The aesthetician will probably make a few passes with the handpiece.

Though improvement can be seen at once, Fractora™ starts to really work after about 30 days. The patient will start to see that their skin is firmer and more youthful. The improvement continues then plateaus after about two months.

A good candidate for this treatment is between 30 and 55 and has moderate skin damage or sagging. Unlike some non-invasive cosmetic procedures, Fractora™ can be used on all skin types, from very fair to very dark. Most patients need one to six sessions of Fractora™ scheduled about three weeks apart.

After the Treatment

Since Fractora™ is an outpatient procedure, the patient can go home right after their treatment. For a few days they may have bruising, redness, and swelling, but the aesthetician will give them an emollient to make sure that the area stays hydrated. The patient can put on make-up about three days after the Fractora™ session, which should hide what is left of the redness and swelling.

It is important the patient avoid direct sunlight during the first days after their treatment. If they must go outside, they need to use a powerful sunscreen and wear a broad brimmed hat to protect their skin. They should take it easy during this time and not engage in strenuous activity. Fractora™ patients should also stay away from places that are hot and humid, such as saunas.

Call for More Information about Fractora™

If you have acne scars or areas of skin that are wrinkled, rough, discolored or aging, consider visiting Le Beau Visage Medical Spa to learn more. We are conveniently located in Frisco, TX. Discover what Fractora™ skin tightening treatment can do for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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