From Then Until Now: The Intriguing History of Botox

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Botox Plano TXWomen having been using Botox injections since 2002 to tighten their skin and reduce the signs of aging. Botox provides a more youthful appearance and, in many cases, a stronger sense of self-confidence. But where and how did this cosmetic procedure emerge?

In fact, Botox originated with the German doctor, Justinus Kerner, in 1920. Dr. Kerner was studying the causes of undetermined deaths in the area and when he discovered the botulinum toxin. He noted that the toxin also caused muscle weakness.

Research into botulinum continued, and in the 1950’s it was discovered that small doses could reduce muscle spasms. Through the 60’s and 70’s, studies determined that it could also help alleviate issues with crossed eyes. Research continued into the 80’s and finally, in 1989, the FDA granted approval of BOTOX as the first botulinum treatment for problems with eye muscles. This was a great leap forward, and research continued exploring other uses for botulinum.

The FDA approved the use of Botox for cosmetic procedures in 2002. At that time it was introduced primarily as a means of getting rid of forehead wrinkles. Since 2002 Botox has also been proven to a powerful treatment for several health issues. These advances have demonstrated Botox to be not only a fantastic cosmetic treatment but an important remedy for health problems as well.

According to Medical News Today, Botulinum toxin is presently being used to treat many different medical conditions including:

Botox works by blocking the signals sent to the muscles from the nerves. The muscles that are injected with Botox are unable to contract which results in relaxed muscles and fewer wrinkles. When used as an anti-aging cosmetic treatment the procedure takes just a few minutes and requires no anesthetics. Botox is injected through a fine needle into specific muscles and there is typically only minor discomfort during the procedure. It can take up to a week for the muscles to fully respond to the treatment. The effects generally last between four and six months. Over time the botox treatment loses effectiveness, the muscles begin to respond, and wrinkles start to reappear.

Regardless of whether you are looking for a solution to aging skin or health problems with certain muscle conditions, contact Le Beau Visage at (214) 705-7676 today! Or, visit us at to learn more about all of the Botox treatments we offer in our Plano TX office.

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