Say Goodbye to Those Pounds with Medical Weight Loss

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Losing weight may be the biggest challenge you have to face. You have tried a long list of weight loss plans, diet supplements, and fitness programs. Nothing has given you results that lasted. You might have lost some weight, but it always comes back with a vengeance. You’re tired of packing on the pounds. You want to reclaim your body and find out who is underneath all that excess weight. Most importantly of all, you want to live a long, full life. Losing weight can help you to be healthier. Medical weight loss can be the answer you have been waiting for all this time.

How Can Medical Weight Loss Make a Difference?
In the past, you may have been on your own as you tried to lose weight. It is tough to stick with a program until you see results when no one is giving you support. You may have tried weight loss techniques that didn’t take into account your personal needs. Medical weight loss will give you a customized approach that is designed to fit you.

How Does Medical Weight Loss Work?
You’ll sit down with a member of our team before your weight loss program will begin. Your weight loss staff needs to get to know you and understand what you have been doing up until now. Your medical history will be reviewed, your health will be evaluated, and your current weight will be noted. At that point, it will be possible to establish a healthy goal weight. Your medical weight loss experts will look at the big picture, taking into account any personal factors that may have affected your ability to lose weight.

You’ll Get a Weight Loss Action Plan
When you choose medical weight loss, you will be given a weight loss plan that has been personalized. You’ll find out how many calories you should have in a day to be successful in taking off the weight. Learn how much exercise you should be doing on a regular basis. Find out what types of activities you can do to keep yourself motivated. You may be advised to take supplements that are beneficial in enhancing your metabolism. Discover creative ways you can substitute different ingredients in meals to cut calories while you don’t sacrifice flavor. You’ll have regular appointments with our medical weight loss professionals to find out how well your program is working for you. If it isn’t satisfactory, we can change it up.

Find Out How Medical Weight Loss Can Make a Positive Difference for You
It’s time to say goodbye to that weight you have been carrying around for too long. Make an appointment today to discuss medical weight loss as a new direction for you. It can give you the blueprint and motivation you need to get the results you have always wanted for your body. Contact us today at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa to learn more.

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