Sculptra FAQs: How Long Will My Results Last?

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

So you’ve started to notice the signs of aging in your face: fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Are you eager to address those concerns but hesitant about taking on a high-maintenance regimen? A revolutionary dermal filler called Sculptra Frisco could be just what you’re looking for. This filler, offered by Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX, offers results that last for up to a year. That means that once you’ve completed your course of treatment, you won’t have to come back for frequent maintenance visits. Here’s what you need to know about the dermal filler our patients have fallen in love with.

How Sculptra Frisco Works

This dermal filler is unique because it doesn’t merely “fill” the face. Instead, it stimulates the body’s natural production of collagen, which leads to an overall brightening and lifting of the face. Collagen plumps up and fills in fine lines and shallow and deep wrinkles. It also provides an inner structure to the face, ensuring that it has youthful contour and natural fullness. By spurring collagen production, this injection forces the body to naturally fight back against the signs of aging.

Solving the Aging Problem

As we get older, our skin begins to lose elasticity, and wrinkles start to form on the forehead, around the eyes and mouth, and on the chin. The face also begins to lose volume as fat levels decline. This injection helps ramp up the production of collagen, which strengthens the skin. The injection itself contains Poly-L-Lactic Acid: a substance that is used in dissolvable sutures. But once it’s done the work of spurring collagen production, the Poly-L-Lactic Acid fades from the body. And because the Poly-L-Lactic acid is synthetic, you won’t have to worry about allergy testing or an allergic reaction.

This dermal filler is designed to be administered over one course of treatment. We’ll work with you to design a treatment plan that will best meet your cosmetic goals, but for most patients, treatment involves a series of 4 injections over a three- to four-week period. This filler is injected from different directions in a cross-hatch pattern that offers thorough coverage and deep penetration. Because of its ability to non-surgically rejuvenate the face, this filler is sometimes fondly referred to as a fluid facelift.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Compared to other dermal fillers, this one offers results that appear more gradually but last much longer. This is because the primary focus of this dermal filler is collagen production, which can take as long as several months. Patients often see some initial improvement during the first few days after their injection, but the best results appear in the coming months as collagen levels build.

Results vary with each patient, but most enjoy the results of their fluid facelift for as long as a year. Some patients opt to schedule a single annual maintenance injection after their initial course of treatment. Because this filler works by stimulating the body’s own collagen production, the results it offers are natural. This injection prompts your body to work from within to rejuvenate itself.

That means the improvements in the face will take place gradually, and you’ll never suddenly appear as though you went and had “work” done. Instead, you’ll gradually take on a more youthful, rested appearance. Because it doesn’t offer immediate results, a fluid facelift may not be your best option if you’re looking for a fast fix before a big event. But this dermal filler is an excellent component of a long-term anti-aging regimen.

What Should I Expect During the Treatment?

A fluid facelift is a fairly straightforward treatment. We’ll begin by gently cleansing the treatment area and applying a numbing cream. We’ll then inject the filler beneath your skin and then massage the area to ensure that the Poly-L-Lactic Acid has been thoroughly distributed. This dermal filler is combined with lidocaine, a local anesthetic, so the injection is not uncomfortable. In fact, some patients say the experience is comparable with other cosmetic injections they have had.

The total treatment time associated with this injection is usually less than an hour, and patients are able to return immediately to their regular schedules. Some even schedule this treatment for their lunch hour.

The after-care instructions are fairly straightforward. We’ll ask you to massage the area where your injection took place five times a day for five minutes at time. This simple step is another way of ensuring that the Poly-L-Lactic Acid has been properly distributed. We also ask patients to avoid tanning beds and sun exposure for several days.

What Cosmetic Concerns Does This Dermal Filler Address?

This filler is an ideal option for deeply volumizing areas of the face where the skin is thicker, like the jaw, temple, and cheeks. Because it stimulates collagen development, this filler strengthens the scaffolding in the face, which means youthful contours like full cheeks will be restored. It is generally not used near the eyes or in the lips. Sculptra Frisco also effectively fills fine lines and shallow to deep wrinkles. The smile lines that form between the nose and mouth, the folds that develop on either side of the mouth, and chin wrinkles can all be addressed by this filler.

By both adding volume and smoothing over lines, wrinkles, and folds, this filler fully and naturally refreshes the face, leaving the patient with a more relaxed and youthful appearance.

Can This Filler Be Combined With Other Cosmetic Treatments?

A fluid facelift can easily be combined with other treatments to achieve your cosmetic goals. Some patients opt to combine a fluid facelift with Kybella: another injection offered by our practice. Kybella works to improve your profile by addressing the fullness that can sometimes develop under the chin.

Botulinum toxin injections like Botox and Dysport, which are offered by our practice, are also frequently combined with a fluid facelift. While a fluid facelift offers a comprehensive lifting and brightening of the face, botulinum toxin injections are great at targeting very specific lines and wrinkles that are caused by repeated facial movements like squinting, smiling, and laughing. Botulinum toxin injections work by limiting the motion of the underlying muscles that contribute to those facial movements.

Who Will Oversee My Treatment?

Your treatment will be overseen by Dr. Jason Riehs, who is highly experienced with cosmetic injections. Dr. Riehs earned a biology degree from Oklahoma Christian University and attended medical school at the University of Texas Health Science Center located in the Texas Medical Center in Houston.

His training involved internships and residencies at MD Anderson Cancer Hospital, Hermann Hospital, and St. Luke’s Hospital. He also earned a law degree, with a focus on health law, from the University of Houston Law Center. Dr. Riehs trains other physicians and nurses on how to administer certain injections.

Is This Filler Safe?

This dermal filler was approved by the FDA in 2009 and has been widely and safely used in the years since.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

The only requirement you must meet to start a course of this treatment is a healthy immune system. But if you are considering a fluid facelift, there are several signs that this treatment may be a particularly good option for you.

You’re Willing to Wait for the Results

Unlike some other fillers and cosmetic injections, the full results of a fluid facelift won’t appear for a couple of months. Most of our patients appreciate the gradual way their results are revealed and find that the outcome is well worth waiting for. But if you’re preparing for a special event and are eager for results in a hurry, you might be better served by pursuing another cosmetic service.

You Can Keep Up With the Massage

If you’re considering a fluid facelift, it helps if you can commit to keeping up with the daily self-massage that is recommended as part of this treatment’s aftercare. The massage is not difficult to do, and most patients enjoy taking a few minutes to sit down for a self-massage, but this routine is something you’ll have to keep track of.

Your Skin Is Healthy

It helps if the skin in your treatment area is healthy, in good shape, and not inflamed or irritated.

You Want to Restore Facial Volume and Contour

Although it will smooth over fine lines and wrinkles, a fluid facelift is not simply a wrinkle-buster. Rather, this treatment offers a comprehensive revitalization of the face. This filler can tighten up a jawline or restore cheeks that have lost some of their shape and volume.

The best candidates for this filler are looking for more than a spot wrinkle treatment. They’re also looking to restore facial volume that has been lost due to the aging process, illness, or a significant weight loss.

You Want a Convenient Treatment

In addition to its ability to rejuvenate the face, this treatment is popular because of its convenience. A series of easy, non-invasive, in-office injections is all that’s needed to put you on a path toward a fresher, younger face. And because there’s no advance preparation and no recovery time associated with this treatment, you can easily fit it into your schedule. A fluid facelift is a great option for patients who can’t commit to the time, hassle, and expense of a more involved surgical procedure.

You Understand the Outcome

The non-invasive nature of this treatment means that the results will be more subtle than surgery. The best patients are realistic about the outcome this treatment offers.

You’re Not Pregnant

This dermal filler is not recommended for patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Can I Do Anything to Prevent Sagging and Wrinkling?

Collagen loss and sagging, wrinkling skin is a normal part of aging that is difficult to completely ward off on your own. Genetics play a significant role in the way we age, and for many of us, the volume of fat in our faces begins to decline as soon as our thirties. Early lines, particularly those tied to repeated facial expressions, also start to show up around that time.

While you can’t completely prevent aging skin on your own, there are some steps you can take to try to minimize the effects, including avoiding excessive sun exposure, drinking plenty of water, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining a consistent weight. Refraining from smoking, which weakens the skin, is also a good idea. Adhering to a careful skincare regimen that involves cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing with high-quality products can also help.

Take the First Step Toward Younger Skin

There’s a reason why Sculptra Frisco is one of the most popular treatments in our practice. Patients love the long-lasting results, the convenient, easy treatments, and the way these injections can completely revitalize the face. Don’t wait any longer. Call Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, TX and schedule your Sculptra Frisco appointment today.

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