Frequently Asked Questions About Silhouette Thread Lifting

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, Texas offers Silhouette Thread Lifting for clients who are looking to achieve a younger-looking face without the surgical procedures of a traditional facelift. Thread Lifting is an anti-aging treatment that uses gradual collagen regenerating effects to create the effect of a facelift in a minimally invasive and quick procedure.

With minimal recovery and downtime, Thread Lifting is an ideal cosmetic treatment for people with a busy schedule who want to avoid the downtime of a traditional facelift. It is performed by our certified cosmetic surgeons and is ideal for clients who are beginning to experience the facial sagging that comes with age.

Below are a few of the most common questions asked by those considering Silhouette Thread Lifting.

I Am Interested In Silhouette Thread Lifting. What Is The First Step?

The first step is to schedule an initial consultation with one of our cosmetic surgeons specializing in anti-aging treatments. They will examine the areas you want treated and determine if this treatment is a good fit for you. The next step is to determine how many threads and how extensive a treatment is needed.

What Do I Need To Do To Prepare For Silhouette Thread Lifting?

As this treatment is a minimally invasive, you will not need to do any pre-surgery prep. Our specialists will advise you to keep your face free of foreign substances before coming in for your treatment.

What Is The Session Like? How Long Does It Take?

One of the big appeals of Silhouette Thread Lifting is that it is highly efficient. A full facial treatment takes approximately forty-five minutes, and an additional neck treatment takes twenty-five. The treatment begins with your specialist applying topical numbing cream, followed by a local anesthetic to ensure the treatment is painless.

Our patented silhouette threads will then be inserted into your skin using a special apparatus, and their unique coned structure will anchor them into your subcutaneous fat without causing tissue damage. This has the dual effect of pulling your skin tighter to create a lifting effect and triggering your body’s natural collagen production and healing effect.

What Happens After My Treatment? When Will I See The Effects?

After your treatment, you will be free to resume normal activities in as little as two days. Any redness or swelling will be gone in a week. You will see immediate positive effects in the form of a younger appearance, with the collagen production working over the next three to six months. The effect of the treatment lasts over two years.

Is Silhouette Thread Lifting Right For Me?

Silhouette Thread Lifting

Silhouette Thread Lifting is a minimally-invasive, non-surgical alternative to traditional facelifts that uses the body’s own collagen production to create a lasting younger look. Contact us today at Le Beau Visage Medical Spa in Frisco, Texas for more information, or to schedule an initial consultation today.

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