Benefits of the HCG Diet Program for Weight Loss in Frisco

By Jason M. Riehs, MD, JD

It is fair to describe weight loss and dieting as a war. It could be that it is a war that you have been fighting for many years. Maybe you’ve had some success and have lost some weight, but you likely put it right back on.

All of the effort that you’re putting forth to lose weight is worth it. However, you want to eventually win your weight loss battle. To do so, you need to arm yourself with the proper tools and the proper weapons. For individuals living in Frisco, we invite you to take the time to learn more about the HCG diet.

If this is your first time hearing about the HCG diet, it’s likely that you have some questions. Maybe you’ve heard about the diet from others, but the information they provided you was partial fact and partial myth. Here’s the truth about the diet.

First, the HCG diet works because of two factors. On the one hand, you have the HCG hormone which will be administered by a medical professional. The second facet of the diet is a low-calorie diet. The low-calorie diet is designed to be used for a short period of time. If you’re able to stick to the injections and if you are able to stick to the low-calorie diet, you’re going to start to watch as the pounds literally fade away.

The idea of a low-calorie diet is pretty self-explanatory. You lose weight if you consume fewer calories than you burn. In most cases, individuals who are on the HCG diet will limit their calorie intake. What most people are not familiar with is what the HCG hormone is and its part in the program.

The hCG hormone is a hormone that woman produce during pregnancy. It’s why many women lose their appetite or do not feel hungry. So when this hormone is used in connection with a low-calorie diet, you’re able to stick to your diet, you’re able to lose weight, and you’re able to accomplish all of this without feeling hungry. This means that you are able to literally watch as the pounds fall off your body, but you don’t feel a craving to eat food.

The final question that most people ask is if the diet works. The answer is that for the majority of people who try it the diet works phenomenally. Success is dependent on sticking to the diet and sticking to the hormone injections. Some have been able to lose up to one pound per day while they are on the diet.Of course, as with any other diet program, once you lose the initial weight, you need to stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine in order to maintain your weight loss.

If you’ve tried every diet under the sun and feel like you’re never going to win the weight loss battle, learn about the benefits of the HCG diet program for weight loss in Frisco. At Le Beau Visage Med Spa, we can help you meet your weight loss goals once and for all. Call us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Frisco!

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